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14 Revised 10/03/2019 Ordinance Language Commentary 4.23 Land uses for lake classifications: Land Uses General Development Recreational Development Natural Environment Single residential P P P Duplex, triplex, quad residential P P C Residential PUD C C C Water-dependent commercial - Accessory to residential PUD C C C Commercial P P C Commercial PUD - Expansion of PUD involving up to six additional units or sites allowed as a permitted use provided the provisions of Section 10.0 are satisfied. C C C Solar Power Facilities (principal land use) C C C Parks & historic sites C C C Public, semipublic P P C Industrial C C N Agricultural: cropland and pasture P P P Agricultural feedlots: New N N N Agricultural feedlots: Expansion or resumption of existing C C C Forest management P P P Forest land conversion C C C Extractive use C C C Mining of metallic minerals and peat P P P should be consistent with these uses to alleviate potential conflicts. Optional. Add solar power as a conditional use including criteria or conditions of approval. See “Consideration in Siting Solar Power Facilities in Shoreland Areas” for ideas for conditions. New feedlots are prohibited in shorelands per Minnesota Rules, part 7020. Minnesota statute 116.0711 allows the resumption of existing feedlots.