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Operating Capital <br />Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Business-Type <br />Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Activities Activities Total <br />Functions/programs <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />General government 1,460,627$ 198,708$ 144,998$ 286$ (1,116,635)$ –$ (1,116,635)$ <br />Public safety 2,737,348 431,830 135,564 18,252 (2,151,702) – (2,151,702) <br />Public works 1,267,480 3,900 105,621 384,920 (773,039) – (773,039) <br />Parks and recreation 634,195 13,114 23,220 230,911 (366,950) – (366,950) <br />Economic development 480,307 – – – (480,307) – (480,307) <br />Total governmental <br /> activities 6,579,957 647,552 409,403 634,369 (4,888,633) – (4,888,633) <br />Business-type activities <br />Water 1,996,083 2,316,891 528 36,895 – 358,231 358,231 <br />Sewer 1,665,146 1,870,850 603 23,766 – 230,073 230,073 <br />Surface water <br /> management 546,365 876,527 392 – – 330,554 330,554 <br />Recycling 139,840 136,865 23,842 – – 20,867 20,867 <br />Total business-type <br /> activities 4,347,434 5,201,133 25,365 60,661 – 939,725 939,725 <br />Total primary <br /> government 10,927,391$ 5,848,685$ 434,768$ 695,030$ (4,888,633) 939,725 (3,948,908) <br />General revenues <br />Property taxes 4,100,177 – 4,100,177 <br />Tax increment collections 273,043 – 273,043 <br />Franchise taxes 101,057 – 101,057 <br />Unrestricted grants and contributions 745,040 – 745,040 <br />Unrestricted investment earnings 348,886 68,781 417,667 <br />Gain on sale of capital assets 17,500 – 17,500 <br />Transfers 237,000 (237,000) – <br />Total general revenues and transfers 5,822,703 (168,219) 5,654,484 <br />Change in net position 934,070 771,506 1,705,576 <br />Net position – beginning 37,155,942 19,477,949 56,633,891 <br />Net position – ending 38,090,012$ 20,249,455$ 58,339,467$ <br />Program Revenues Changes in Net Position <br />Net (Expense) Revenue and <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Statement of Activities <br />Year Ended December 31, 2020 <br />See notes to basic financial statements -15-