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Permanent Other Total <br />Improvement Governmental Intra-Activity Governmental <br />General Revolving Funds Eliminations Funds <br />Cash and investments 4,032,832$ 6,399,348$ 2,672,568$ –$ 13,104,748$ <br />Accrued interest receivable 10,757 17,415 7,224 – 35,396 <br />Accounts receivable 10,962 400,000 30,297 – 441,259 <br />Taxes receivable 90,406 – 3,222 – 93,628 <br />Special assessments receivable 8,142 1,266,176 – – 1,274,318 <br />Interfund receivable – 194,879 35,222 (230,101) – <br />Due from other governmental units 13,793 – – – 13,793 <br />Prepaid items 28,782 – 3,680 – 32,462 <br />Total assets 4,195,674$ 8,277,818$ 2,752,213$ (230,101)$ 14,995,604$ <br />Liabilities <br />Accounts payable 78,664$ 166,366$ 144,960$ –$ 389,990$ <br />Salaries payable 75,638 – – – 75,638 <br />Deposits payable 518,460 – – – 518,460 <br />Interfund payable – – 230,101 (230,101) – <br />Due to other governmental units 46,531 317,947 9,476 – 373,954 <br />Unearned revenue 57,633 – – – 57,633 <br />Total liabilities 776,926 484,313 384,537 (230,101) 1,415,675 <br />Deferred inflows of resources <br />Unavailable revenue – taxes 30,100 – 3,222 – 33,322 <br />Unavailable revenue – special assessments 8,142 1,239,680 – – 1,247,822 <br />Unavailable revenue – long-term receivable – 400,000 – – 400,000 <br />State aid received for subsequent years – 1,225,355 – – 1,225,355 <br />Total deferred inflows of resources 38,242 2,865,035 3,222 – 2,906,499 <br />Fund balances (deficits) <br />Nonspendable 28,782 – 3,680 – 32,462 <br />Restricted – – 1,137,740 – 1,137,740 <br />Committed – – 619,013 – 619,013 <br />Assigned 196,467 4,928,470 834,122 – 5,959,059 <br />Unassigned 3,155,257 – (230,101) – 2,925,156 <br />Total fund balances (deficits)3,380,506 4,928,470 2,364,454 – 10,673,430 <br />Total liabilities, deferred inflows <br /> of resources, and fund balances 4,195,674$ 8,277,818$ 2,752,213$ (230,101)$ 14,995,604$ <br />Fund balances reported above 10,673,430$ <br />Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Position are different because: <br />Nondepreciable 3,109,646 <br />Depreciable 23,308,420 <br />219,173 <br />Compensated absences (105,747) <br />Net pension liability (876,334) <br />Deferred outflows of resources – pension plans 125,948 <br />Deferred inflows of resources – pension plans (45,668) <br />Deferred inflows of resources – unavailable revenues (taxes, special assessments, and long-term receivable)1,681,144 <br />Net position of governmental activities 38,090,012$ <br />Assets <br />Internal service funds are used to allocate costs to individual funds.Net position is included in governmental activities in the Statement of Net <br />Position. <br />Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and, therefore, are not reported in the funds. <br />The recognition of certain revenues and expenses/expenditures differ between the full accrual governmental activities financial statements and the <br />modified accrual governmental fund financial statements. <br />CITY OF ARDEN HILLS <br />Balance Sheet <br />Governmental Funds <br />as of December 31, 2020 <br />Certain long-term obligations are not payable with current financial resources and, therefore, are not reported in governmental funds. <br />See notes to basic financial statements -16-