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<br /> <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />Council, upon review and after report of the planning commission, may approve the subdivision <br />or consolidation, upon compliance with the following conditions: <br /> <br />Subd. 1 Survey. The owner(s) of the platted lot(s) to be so divided or consolidated shall <br />file with the zoning administrator a survey or registered land survey of the lot(s) to be <br />divided or consolidated. The survey or registered land survey shall be prepared and <br />certified by a Licensed Surveyor. Criteria met. <br /> <br />Subd. 2 Relation to Zoning Ordinance. The parcels or tracts resulting from the division <br />or consolidation, as depicted in the survey or registered land survey, shall not have an <br />area, dimensions or setbacks which are less than the minimum requirements specified for <br />the zoning district in which the parcels or tracts are located in the zoning ordinance. <br />Criteria met. <br /> <br />Subd. 3 Public Welfare. It is determined that the proposed division or consolidation will <br />not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to adjacent tracts in the area in which <br />the subdivision tract is located. Criteria met. <br /> <br />Subd. 4 Conformity. The proposed division or consolidation shall conform to such <br />other requirements of this chapter, which the planning commission has specifically made <br />such division or consolidation subject to at its first meeting at which the application for <br />the division or consolidation is submitted. The City Council may add to or subtract from <br />the requirements specified by the planning commission additional requirements of this <br />chapter which it deems necessary for the protection of the health, safety, general welfare <br />and convenience of the City and to secure the objectives of this chapter. Prior to the City <br />Council's granting the owner(s) an exemption pursuant to this paragraph, the owner(s) <br />shall comply with all the requirements of this chapter which the planning commission or <br />City Council have specifically made the division or consolidation subject. Criteria met. <br /> <br />Subd. 5 Such filing fee as has been established in a resolution adopted by the Council <br />shall be paid the zoning administrator with every application for an exemption under this <br />paragraph. Criteria met. <br /> <br />2. Zoning Code Review <br /> <br />Lot Size and Dimensions <br />The minimum lot area in the R-2 District is 11,000 square feet. The minimum lot width is 85 feet <br />and the minimum depth is 120 feet. Subject Property A is 24,727 square feet or 0.57 acres. Subject <br />Property B is 33,498 square feet or 0.77 acres. If the requested minor subdivision is approved, <br />Subject Property A would be 26,527 square feet or 0.61 acres, and Subject Property B would be <br />31,689 square feet or 0.73 acres. Both parcels would comply with the minimum lot area, width, <br />and depth in the R-2 District. <br /> <br />Structure Setbacks with Adjusted Lot Lines <br />No structural changes are proposed for the existing development on Property A or B. The <br />minimum principal structure setbacks in the R-2 District are 40 feet in the front yard, 30 feet in