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<br /> <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />the rear yard (Principal), a 5-foot minimum in the side yard with both side yards required to add <br />up to a total of 15 feet (Principal), and 10 feet in the rear and side yard (Accessory). The existing <br />accessory structure on Property B is a legal nonconforming structure because it encroaches into <br />the 10-foot rear yard setback requirement. The proposed lot line adjustment does not impact <br />setback requirements from the existing development or create a nonconformity on either parcel. <br />Based on the survey provided, all applicable setbacks will be met as a result of the proposed lot <br />line adjustment between Property A and B. <br /> <br />Lot Coverage <br />The maximum structure coverage permitted in the R-2 District is 25 percent of the lot area. <br />The minimum landscape lot area is 65 percent. Both Subject Properties would meet the <br />structure and landscape coverage requirements with the proposed subdivision. <br /> <br />Driveway and Residential Access <br />Each property in the subdivision is entitled to exactly one access to a public street. The <br />permitted width of accesses to streets is subject to County or State regulations, depending on <br />whether the connecting street is maintained by the city, county, or state. According to City <br />Code Section 1325.06, Subd. 3 the minimum width of a driveway access into Shoreline Lane <br />is ten (10) feet; the maximum width permitted is twenty-two (22) feet wide. A driveway access <br />may be placed adjacent to property lines, but it cannot be placed closer than five (5) feet to an <br />existing driveway on an abutting parcel, and no driveway access can be placed closer than five <br />(5) feet to any other principal building. <br /> <br />As noted above, the two properties have joint access to a driveway that crosses the shared <br />property line along New Brighton Road. The Applicants are requesting the Minor Subdivision <br />to alter the property line to include all of the driveway access along New Brighton Road as <br />part of Property A. Property B will continue to utilize the existing driveway access off of <br />Beckman Avenue to their residence and will discontinue use of the access off of New Brighton <br />Road. The Applicants had indicated that the Owner of Property B would be removing a section <br />of the driveway to permanently discontinue use of the New Brighton Road access. This was <br />not reflected in the application materials or shown on the site survey. The Planning <br />Commission as part of the review should confirm with the Applicants of this intent and <br />consider including as a condition of approval. The proposed lot line adjustment will bring the <br />properties into compliance with code requirements. <br /> <br />Findings of Fact <br /> <br />The Planning Commission must make a finding as to whether or not the proposed application <br />would adversely affect the surrounding neighborhood or the community as a whole based on the <br />aforementioned factors. Staff offers the following findings for consideration: <br /> <br />1. The properties at 3300 New Brighton Road and 1893 Beckman Avenue are located in the <br />R-2 – Single and Two Family Residential Zoning District. <br />2. The Arden Hills 2040 Comprehensive Plan designates the properties at 3300 New Brighton <br />Road and 1893 Beckman Avenue as Low Density Residential.