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7 Grey Fox Road Redevelopment – Arden Hills <br />Traffic Impact Analysis │ July 2021 <br /> <br />CAPACITY ANALYSIS <br />A capacity analysis was performed to quantify the delay and level of service at the study intersections during <br />the weekday AM and PM peak hours. The capacity analysis was performed using Synchro/SimTraffic. <br />Existing signal timings used in the analysis were provided by Ramsey County. <br />The capacity of an intersection quantifies its ability to accommodate traffic volumes and is measured in <br />average delay per vehicle. It is expressed in terms of level of service (LOS) which ranges from A to F, with <br />LOS A as the highest (best traffic flow and least delay), LOS E as saturated or at-capacity conditions, and <br />LOS F as the lowest (oversaturated conditions). The LOS grades shown below, which are provided in the <br />Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual (HCM), quantify and categorize the driver’s <br />discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and travel times experienced as a result of intersection control <br />and the resulting traffic queuing. A detailed description of each LOS rating can be found in Table 2. The <br />range of control delay for each rating (as detailed in the HCM) is also shown in Table 2. Because signalized <br />intersections are expected to carry a larger volume of vehicles and stopping is required during red time, <br />higher delays are tolerated for the corresponding LOS ratings. <br />Table 2 – Level of Service Information <br />Level of <br />Service <br />Average Control Delay <br />(seconds/vehicle) Description <br />A 0-10 (Unsignalized); 0-10 <br />(Signalized) <br />Minimal control delay; traffic operates at primarily free-flow conditions; unimpeded <br />movement within traffic stream. <br />B >10-15 (Unsignalized); <br />>10-20 (Signalized) <br />Minor control delay at signalized intersections; traffic operates at a fairly unimpeded level <br />with slightly restricted movement within traffic stream. <br />C >15-25 (Unsignalized); <br />>20-35 (Signalized) <br />Moderate control delay; movement within traffic stream more restricted than at LOS B; <br />formation of queues contributes to lower average travel speeds. <br />D >25-35 (Unsignalized); <br />>35-55 (Signalized) <br />Considerable control delay that may be substantially increased by small increases in flow; <br />average travel speeds continue to decrease. <br />E >35-50 (Unsignalized); <br />>55-80 (Signalized) High control delay; average travel speed no more than 33 percent of free flow speed. <br />F >50 (Unsignalized); >80 <br />(Signalized) <br />Extremely high control delay; extensive queuing and high volumes create exceedingly <br />restricted traffic flow. <br />Traffic models for each scenario were developed using Synchro/SimTraffic, and the delay and queueing <br />were evaluated for each scenario. Due to the scheduled reconstruction of Lexington Avenue in 2022, the <br />existing conditions were not analyzed. The scenarios that were analyzed are as follows: <br />x Opening Year (2023) No-Build <br />x Opening Year (2023) Build <br />x Design Year (2040) No-Build <br />x Design Year (2040) Build <br />OPENING YEAR (2023) NO-BUILD CONDITIONS <br />A capacity analysis was performed for Opening Year (2023) No-Build conditions in order to develop <br />baseline operating conditions for the opening year. The analysis was performed using Synchro/SimTraffic.