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Grey Fox Road Redevelopment – Arden Hills <br />Traffic Impact Analysis │ July 2021 <br />6 <br /> <br />The average rate for ITE Land Use Code (LUC) 850 (Supermarket), ITE LUC 911 (Walk-in Bank), and ITE <br />LUC 934 (Fast Food Restaurant with Drive Through) were used to calculate the trip generation potential of <br />the site. Table 1 provides a summary of the number of trips anticipated to be generated during the weekday <br />AM and PM peak hours, including internal capture reduction. As shown, the site is anticipated to generate <br />236 new trips during the AM peak hour (128 entering, 108 exiting) and 262 new trips during the PM peak <br />hour (135 entering, 127 exiting). <br />Table 1 – Site Trip Generation <br />For this analysis, it was assumed that all site trips will be vehicle trips. To be conservative, it was <br />assumed that all site trips would be new trips and no mode split reductions for trips via transit, bike or <br />walking were used. <br />SITE TRIP DISTRIBUTION <br />The site trips were distributed to the adjacent roadways based on the current traffic patterns in the area and <br />a general assessment of the major regional roadways surrounding the study area. In general, the following <br />global trip distribution was assumed for the development: <br />x 50% to/from the north on Lexington Avenue <br />x 40% to/from the south on Lexington Avenue <br />x 10% to/from the west on Grey Fox Road <br />The trip distribution for the site-generated traffic is shown in Exhibit 6. <br />SITE ACCESSES AND ASSIGNMENT <br />The site will include two (2) accesses. Access 1 will be located on Grey Fox Road, approximately 260 feet <br />west of Lexington Avenue, in the same space as the existing access, with two egress lanes and one ingress <br />lane. Access 2 will be onto the alley on the western boundary of the site which also provides access to Grey <br />Fox Road, with one egress lane and one ingress lane. vehicles are anticipated to primarily use Access 1 to <br />access the site. <br />Additionally, two of the existing accesses are proposed to be removed. The accesses located approximately <br />60 feet and 400 feet west of Lexington Avenue & Grey Fox Road are proposed to be removed. <br />The proposed site plan is included in Appendix C. The site trips were assigned to the study intersections <br />as shown in Exhibit 7. <br />Land Use Description Intensity Daily <br />AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour <br />In Out Total In Out Total <br />Supermarket (LUC 850) 19,209 S.F. 1,774 41 25 66 72 74 146 <br />Walk-in Bank (LUC 911) 1,850 S.F. 208 20 18 38 20 20 40 <br />Fast Food Restaurant with Drive Through (LUC 934) 3,550 S.F. 1,320 67 65 132 43 33 76 <br />Total Site Generated Trips (With Internal Capture Reduction) 3,302 128 108 236 135 127 262