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Name: David Swearingen <br />Date: September 15, 2021 <br />Page: 3 <br />A meeting with the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) was also conducted to verify the project’s <br />classification with regard to the watershed’s rules and determine the necessary rules to follow. The project <br />is not considered a reconstruction by RCWD’s definition because the reclaimed aggregate material is <br />proposed to largely remain in place, not exposing the underlying erosive soils. Because the threshold of <br />exposing that underlying soil will not be exceeded, which was confirmed through discussion with RCWD <br />staff, stormwater management (ponds, infiltration basins, etc.) is not required per RCWD. Permitting <br />through the RCWD is anticipated for erosion/sediment control and any wetland impact permitting <br />required related to minor, unrelated drainage work on the Cummings Lane / TH 51 ditch. This <br />confirmation eliminated one significant potential constraint posed in previous iterations of this project <br />development. <br />DESIGN OPTIONS & ESTIMATED COSTS: <br />Based on the information received during our design analysis research, the following three typical section <br />design options were developed for City consideration. Each of these design options have been shown to <br />Metro State Aid office staff and have been confirmed to meet the applicable state aid standards. <br />Option 1 –Existing Rural Typical Section <br />x Matches the existing corridor layout, essentially ‘put back what is out there’ <br />x 8’ shoulder, 12’ drive lane, 12’ drive lane, and 8’ shoulder (40’ total paved footprint) <br />x Preliminary estimated construction cost = $1,071,000 <br />Option 2 –Rural/Urban Typical Section <br />x 4’ turf clear zone, 6’ shoulder, 11’ drive lane, 10’ drive lane, 5’ shoulder, B612 curb & gutter, and <br />6’ concrete walk (38.67’ total paved footprint) <br />x Preliminary estimated construction cost = $1,244,000 <br />x Provides on-road space for bicycle users and provides an off-road concrete walk for pedestrians <br />Option 3 –Urban Typical Section <br />x B618 curb & gutter, 1.5’ curb reaction, 11’ drive lane, 11’ drive lane, 1.5’ curb reaction, B618 <br />curb & gutter, 2’ bit clear zone, 8’ bit trail, and 2’ turf clear zone (36.34’ total paved footprint) <br />x Preliminary estimated construction cost = $1,261,000 <br />x Provides an off-road shared-use trail for bicycle and pedestrian users <br />In developing the estimated construction cost, a 15% contingency was applied to the ‘option 1’ subtotal, <br />yielding a contingency amount of $140,000. Preliminary estimate contingencies are typically estimates <br />for unknown project risks potentially in the remaining project development process. In this case, the risk <br />between alternatives is relatively uniform, however, application of percentage-based contingencies would <br />serve to amplify cost differences unnecessarily, thereby skewing comparisons. As a result, the same <br />$140,000 contingency was applied to options 2 and 3 rather than a percentage-based contingency. <br />Recognizing the City of Arden Hills typically budgets for a 37% contingency, engineering, and <br />administration figure on projects, similar methodology was applied for the remaining 22% to account for <br />engineering and administration costs. Resulting total estimated project costs are reflected in the attached <br />detailed estimate.