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Thanks! <br />The Karth Lake Improvement District Board <br /> ________________________ <br /> <br />5.2. Maintenance and improvement of Art Larsen Memorial Gardens – <br />Background: Susan has worked with the City and several volunteers to remove weeds from the garden and <br />add over 100 new plants. Watering has required hauling buckets of water the homes of neighbors nearby <br />who volunteered to help. Action: The Board asked Todd to report whether the City sprinklers in <br />Cummings Park reach the garden and whether we could coordinate sprinkling with new <br />plantings/dry spells, etc. <br />5.2.1. Sprinkler Status and Plans - David Swearingen: David said Jeff Frid would investigate the <br />sprinkler system in the spring and modify it as needed to water the plantings. <br /> <br />5.3. Long Term Strategic Plan Elements: Projects and Funding – Board & Staff <br />5.3.1. Remediation of BMP #1 Site <br />Background: Todd gave us an update of the status and plans at the last meeting, but we did not have time <br />for questions. Questions for Todd include: <br /> <br />1. Q: On the figure below, do all the yellow lines indicate pipes? Please explain what each node and <br />line represent. A: David: Yes, all the yellow lines are pipes or another water conduit such as a <br />culvert. <br /> <br />2. Q: Show where BMP #1 starts and ends on this photo. A: David: The BMP #1 remediation is not <br />on this map. See schematic below. <br /> <br />3. Q: Are the 2 nodes east of the northmost building a low spot where filtration takes place? A: <br />David: Yes. <br /> <br />4. Q: Please explain the elements of the schematic of the Grading and Utility Plan. Q: David <br />explained it. <br /> <br />5. Q: Does the remediation include any mechanism to catch solids -- like a grit chamber — so they <br />do not get in the lake? A: David: The plan as drawn does not have a grit chamber, but a grit <br />chamber will be included. Action: David will send us an updated schematic with the grit <br />chamber shown. [That schematic was received after the meeting and is attached at the end of these <br />minutes.] <br /> <br />6. Q: Is there any mechanism to capture oil products and other pollution and nutrients that are <br />contained in the runoff from the parking lot and road before they enter the lake? A: David: No <br />filtration is provided. This remediation step only captures grit and moves the water down the hill <br />without causing more erosion. Action: David plans to apply for another grant in the future that <br />will divert the water into a holding pond so it is filtered before it empties into the lake. <br /> <br />7. Q: Board members expressed concern about the likelihood that future construction in Shoreview <br />that is within and near the Karth Lake watershed could add more runoff and nutrients. This could <br />increase the water level and pollution of Karth Lake. Board Members thought the lake levels have <br />varied higher since the townhouses were built east of Lexington Ave. Board Members have <br />observed significant water flow into Karth Lake from the holding pond east of Lexington and <br />Karth Lake. Action: We agreed to ask Kyle Axtell to tell us what controls are in place to prevent <br />an increase in Karth Lake water level and nutrient load caused by new construction in Shoreview. <br />