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5.3.2. Maintenance of existing pumping system: Do we recommend funding in advance with <br />assessments? How much per year? When do we start? After Assessments for recent repairs end? <br />This item was tabled until a future meeting. <br /> <br />5.3.3. Add Grit Chambers to storm drains that empty into Karth Lake and do not have Grit <br />Chambers now. Next Steps: Plan to identify them; Identify likely dates for adding Grit Chambers. <br />Todd Blomstrom and Board. Action: David will work towards identifying storm drains that empty into <br />Karth Lake but do not have a grit chamber. <br /> <br />5.3.4. Lake Level Gauge Questions for David <br />1. Does the gauge measure actual depth or is it just a reference point? <br />2. How is it anchored? Action: David will research the above. <br />3. Renee suggested it would be helpful to measure the lake levels in conjunction with biweekly CAMP <br />samplings. The board agreed. <br /> <br />6. Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 <br /> <br />7. Adjourn <br /> <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Gary Gerding <br />Secretary <br /> <br /> <br />