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Page 4 of 9 <br />E. Minimum Caliper Inches – Flexibility Granted <br />Tree mitigation was not required as the current site had no trees deemed significant per City <br />Code. The Zoning Code requires that a minimum number of caliper inches of trees be provided <br />based on the gross square footage of the building on the property. A single story building in <br />excess of thirty (30) feet in height shall be considered a two-story building for the purposes of <br />determining gross square footage. The proposed building would be considered a two-stories, and <br />includes 499,552 gross square feet. This requires a minimum of 1,561 caliper inches or 624 two <br />(2) caliper trees. <br />Flexibility was granted from this requirement as part of the previous approvals for the building <br />construction. It was noted that the proposed site is limited to where trees can be planted onsite <br />due the wetlands and overhead power lines. The Applicant was approved for the planting of 310 <br />caliper inches or 110 trees. As part of this Site Plan Review for the parking lot expansion, the <br />Applicant has included an additional planting of eight (8) trees. <br />F. Tree Selection – Meets Requirements <br />The proposed updated landscape plan includes a variety of tree species, including maples, oaks <br />and evergreens, ranging in size from two and half (2.5) to six (6) caliper inches. This is <br />consistent with ordinance requirements. The Applicant is proposing to plant six (6) to twelve <br />(12) foot tall evergreens. <br />G. Landscaped Area and Perennials and Shrubberies – Flexibility Granted <br />Zoning Code requires 35 percent of the site to be landscaped or 339,674 square feet. The <br />landscaping plan shows that the total landscaped area provided on the site is 652,668 square feet. <br />The Zoning Code requires a minimum of 10 percent of the total landscaped area to be covered <br />with perennials and/or shrubbery. The total landscaped area on the site is 652,668 square feet, <br />resulting in the need for a minimum of 65,266 square feet of perennial and shrubbery cover. The <br />Applicant has been approved for 2,888 square feet of perennial and shrub planting beds. In <br />addition, the Applicant was approved for the use of over 170,000 square feet of Mesic Prairie <br />seed mix onsite. Mesic Prairie is a prairie plant community dominated by native grasses such as <br />big bluestem, switchgrasses and including abundant wildflowers. <br />The updated landscaping plan shows the perimeter of the proposed parking lot expansion would <br />still be planted with the Mesic Prairie seed mix. However, the updated plan includes an <br />additional 108 shrubs and 151 perennials planted within the parking islands. The types of <br />plantings are a variety of species consistent with the previously approved landscape plan. <br />Gateway Boulevard