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<br /> <br /> <br />ACCESSORY USES <br /> <br />After additional consideration, our leadership has decided to deviate away from <br />initially providing a daycare in the building. It is understood that Daycare (above 10) <br />is a permitted use in the I-Flex District. If Grove desires to provide this service in the <br />future, it will submit necessary documentation and perform adjustments to the site to <br />fulfill state and city standards. <br /> <br />As part of our congregation’s weekly fellowship and community outreach, our plan is <br />to serve coffee and light snacks before and after church activities. Our intent is to <br />create an inviting environment to congregants and guests by providing them an <br />opportunity to purchase a beverage and/or light snack as an accessory retail use of <br />the church. We will continue to work with city staff on these future endeavors. <br /> <br />BENEFITS TO COMMUNITY <br /> <br />As noted in our application for the zoning text amendment, we believe that a CUP for places <br />of worship is appropriate for the site, and that we can meet the city standards for upholding <br />public safety and compatibility of the surrounding area. In justifying the zoning amendment <br />request, we noted the benefits of having a place of worship within the I-Flex district and <br />pointed out the following observations: <br /> <br />• The building has been vacant for approximately 4 years and is showing signs of <br />maintenance. <br /> <br />• The industrial park could benefit from new activity. <br /> <br />• The park is a natural extension of the neighboring B districts, as they share the same <br />streets and <br />traffic patterns. <br /> <br />• Places of worship tend to have compatible traffic volumes with mixed-use <br />industrial/businesses parks, as services are on weekends and/or evenings while most <br />businesses commonly have weekday AM/PM traffic volumes. <br /> <br />• A place of worship provides patrons to surrounding local businesses during typical non- <br />business hours (weekday evenings and weekends). <br /> <br />• Places of worship are destination places, thus people coming to the church will be <br />accustomed to the traffic and parking patterns within the industrial park. <br /> <br />• Places of worship are vibrant and energetic, creating activity and bringing fellowship <br />to a neighborhood. <br /> <br /> <br />