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<br /> <br />• Landscape will remain as it currently exists, except for relocation of a few shrubs to <br />accommodate the front gathering area, and adding additional shrubs on either side to <br />enhance the front entrance and welcoming space. <br /> <br />• Due to minimal new hard-surface, the existing storm-water plan will remain as is. <br /> <br />• Currently, there are no sidewalk connections to the property. We propose to keep the area <br />along Red Fox Road as green space, thus keeping it available for a future sidewalk when a <br />comprehensive pedestrian connection system is created. The area currently consists of a <br />grassed berm with several trees. We wish to wait until a future connection is planned <br />before removing the berm and trees. <br /> <br />• The current location of the dumpster on the north side of the building will remain as is <br />against the building. <br /> <br />• New signage will be added to the building according to city code standards as noted in the <br />Preliminary Signage Plan and Renderings. <br /> <br />PAST ACTIONS <br /> <br />When we met with the City Council on March 22nd, 2021 to discuss our plans, we heard and <br />appreciated the council’s comments regarding traffic flow and supporting neighboring <br />businesses. The major items of discussion were minimizing safety concerns with truck traffic <br />and the potential of other accessory uses at the building. <br /> <br />On Wednesday May 5th the Planning Commission heard our application for the zoning code <br />amendment to allow Places of Worship in the I-Flex zone. There were no public comments or <br />questions on the request and we received a recommendation for approval by the Planning <br />Commission. <br /> <br />TRAFFIC FLOW <br /> <br />To address traffic flow and potential truck conflicts we hired Vern Swing of Swing Traffic <br />Solutions to review the situation and prepare a traffic memo. His findings state that the <br />development will generate new traffic on Sundays, and Wednesdays after the PM traffic <br />peak hour. However, the roadway system providing access to this area has sufficient <br />capacity to handle the off-peak increase in traffic and the development will have a minimal <br />impact on the surrounding roadway system. The memo notes that during peak traffic times <br />for the church, Sunday services at 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, will generate a total of 159 total <br />inbound and outbound trips at the site. This is far below the potential of 400 trips allotted <br />by the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generations for that size of building. <br /> <br />LEASABLE SPACE <br /> <br />The church will be utilizing the first floor and 20,176 square feet of the second floor (east <br />side of the property). It is our intention to lease out the remaining area (11,121 square feet <br />on the west side) of the second floor to congregants or other tenants not associated with the <br />church. We do not have lease agreements or tenants at this time. <br />