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10-19-21 PTRC
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10-19-21 PTRC
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes September 21, 2021 <br />Page 6 <br />Chair Van Valkenburg wondered if they could leave pickleball equipment and other equipment <br />for people to use. <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan said the boxes hold bases and pitching machines and there isn’t much <br />room to add other items. They could purchase another box to put by the tennis courts. He hasn’t <br />had requests to rent equipment other than for volleyball. People bring their own ball for the <br />gagaball pit. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg felt they should add a meeting on December 14 to focus on programs. He <br />asked the committee members to be thinking about how park programs work and maintenance <br />issues. <br />C.2022 Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Work Plan <br />Chair Van Valkenburg wanted to add personnel and staffing needs to the list. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg said that after touring parks last July, he compiled a list of maintenance <br />issues and other items at Hazelnut, Valentine, Perry, Arden Manor, Freeway, Samson and Crepeau <br />parks. He would like to add the east side parks including Johanna Marsh, Ingerson, Floral, <br />Cummings, Royal Hills and Arden Manor. <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen commented that it was a struggle to get seasonal <br />employees this year. That does affect park maintenance. Streets, water, sewer, storm water <br />departments involve rain gardens, storm sewer rehab, potholes etc. and staff has been spread thin. <br />He appreciates the list of from the committee and staff can work on items as time allows. <br />Committee Member Poelzer thought if they went to the schools or colleges they may be able to <br />find students that want to earn funds for their sports programs. <br />Council Liaison Grant said if they have issues with how parks are maintained they should notify <br />the Public Works Director who can in turn discuss staffing with the City Council. He felt they <br />should make recommendations on what they feel needs to be maintained and they should expect <br />them to be maintained, then the Public Works Director would come up with a plan. He reiterated <br />that this year was difficult to find seasonal employees. <br />Committee Member Finlay said he hoped there would be a way to work more closely with the <br />maintenance department. <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen stated the lists they were compiling were helpful and <br />he appreciated them. The best way they could help would be to get the younger people involved as <br />seasonal employees. <br />Committee Member Beggin thought it had been a real challenge for Staff Liaison Vaughan as <br />programmer with less staff. He came up with ideas that were low cost or no cost that could bring <br />people into the parks. He suggested music in the parks, food trucks, ice cream socials, a walk from <br />Valentine Hills to Perry Park or on other trail sections to encourage people to socialize.
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