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10-19-21 PTRC
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Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee (PTRC)
PTRC Packets (2010 to Present)
10-19-21 PTRC
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes September 21, 2021 <br />Page 7 <br />Committee Member Poelzer said the Ramsey County Sheriff’s Department has community <br />service volunteers that could help direct traffic for walks. She felt all of the ideas were great. She <br />has been counting people walking the path by her house and has been amazed at the amount of <br />activity. <br />Committee Member Hinton? suggested outdoor yoga as another option to bring people to the <br />parks. <br />Council Liaison Grant felt Cummings Park would be good for music in the parks; the band could <br />be on the soccer field and people could sit on the slope looking toward the band, and the shelter <br />could be used to dish up ice cream. <br />Council Liaison Grant thought the concept of a destination park could be an item added to the <br />Committee Work Plan. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg noted that there is an opportunity to make suggestions about where trees <br />could be planted in the parks because there will be some available. <br />Council Liaison Grant stated when developers remove trees they can replant or provide payment <br />in lieu of trees. There are a number of developments that have provided money with <br />approximately $70,000 available. He said once they compile a list of locations it could be given to <br />the Public Works Director who could bring it to the City Council. Tree locations don’t have to be <br />in a park. <br />Chair Van Valkenburg mentioned that there have been a number of new benches installed from <br />donations from the Arden Hills Foundation. <br />Council Liaison Grant said the Arden Hills Foundation will be purchasing trash can covers for <br />Cummings and Perry Parks. They are also looking into funding two commercial grade charcoal <br />grills, concrete pads for the grills and charcoal receptacles to be put near the pavilions at those <br />same parks. <br />D.Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Chair Reports <br />No report. <br />5. REPORTS <br />Council Liaison Grant reported that the outside of the hockey rink was painted by the Arden <br />Hills-Shoreview Rotary, the inside will be painted by staff once the road construction materials are <br />removed. Some buckthorn removal has continued, most recently in the Chatham trails area. There <br />are a couple of groups working alongside the County workers to help remove buckthorn. <br />Interim Public Works Director Swearingen said Public Works purchased a new brush cutting <br />type mower to maintain areas where buckthorn has already been cut. Residents can also schedule <br />to have buckthorn cuttings picked up by the City.
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