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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION –December 8, 2021 6 <br />Valentine Road, based on the findings of fact, as amended by the conditions in the <br />December 8, 2021 Report to the Planning Commission. The motion carried unanimously <br />(5-0). <br />UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br />None. <br />REPORTS <br />A. Report from the City Council <br />Councilmember Holmes provided the Commission with an update from the City Council. She <br />thanked the residents that came out to provide comments this evening. She commented on the <br />Scannell Property project, noting the Council discussed this matter at length and recommended <br />approval. She reported the City Council would be holding a Truth in Taxation Hearing on <br />December 13. She noted the State of the City address was available on the City’s website. She <br />encouraged people to visit the City’s light displays and vote for the best display by December 13. <br />She encouraged residents with broken holiday lights to recycle them at City Hall. She explained <br />Councilmember Dave McClung passed away several weeks ago. She indicated the Council <br />would be holding interviews for this open position the first week of January. <br />B. Planning Commission Comments and Requests <br />Chair Vijums thanked Commissioner Subbaya Subramanian for his dedicated service on the <br />Planning Commission and to the City of Arden Hills. <br />ADJOURN <br />Commissioner Zimmerman moved, seconded by Commissioner Wicklund, to adjourn the <br />December 8, 2021, Planning Commission Meeting at 8:02 p.m. The motion carried <br />unanimously (5-0). <br />update frupdat <br />this evening. this eve <br />this matter this matter at lengthat <br />e holding a Truth in Te holding a Truth i <br />dress was available on dress was available on <br />ays and vote for the besand vote f <br />ay lights to recycle themay lights to recy <br />away several weeks away several weeks <br />pen position the first wesition the first we <br />Comments and RequesComments and Re <br />mmissioner Subbaya Susioner Subbaya Su <br />nd to the City of Arden nd to the City of <br />man man movemoveDinging