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ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION –December 8, 2021 5 <br />Mr. Erdahl stated currently the area north of the bus garage was not being used for student <br />parking. He discussed how the school issued parking permits and noted the entire north lot was <br />not being used at this time. He indicated the 591 parking spaces was sufficient at this time. <br />Chair Vijums commented he supported the loss of the parking spaces for safety reasons. He <br />explained he appreciated the proposed changes and believed they would assist with improving <br />both traffic and pedestrian safety. <br />Chair Vijums opened the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. <br />Chair Vijums invited anyone for or against the application to come forward and make comment. <br />Elizabeth Garsky, 1795 Lake Valentine Road, reported she was the last house on Lake <br />Valentine Road in Arden Hills. She noted she sees a lot of traffic passing her home and she was <br />concerned about the safety of this traffic. She explained she sees danger with how many cars are <br />backed up in this area in the morning and afternoon and then there are students crossing into the <br />parking lot to get to their vehicles. She stated she was worried about the gas pump islands. She <br />asked if the trees that were previously planted near the tennis courts would be eliminated. She <br />recommended that everyone using the north lot be forced to turn right for safety reasons. <br />Planning Consultant Kansier reported the gas pump islands would be removed and the area <br />would be graded and the only thing that would remain on that site would be the building. <br />Chris Picket, Director of Operations for Mounds View Schools, discussed the plans for the site <br />noting the building would be reroofed and resided to make it aesthetically pleasing. He reported <br />any ground contamination would be corrected prior to the parking lot being completed. <br />Councilmember Holmes explained the City Council was concerned about the traffic coming to <br />and from the school. She indicated the Council asked the Ramsey County Sheriff to observe this <br />area for two weeks and made some findings. She reviewed these findings noting the traffic <br />deputy believed the traffic flowed smoothly and safely. <br />Rich Beardsley, 1771 Janet Court, stated he has lived in his home for over 25 years. He asked <br />questions about student enrollment noting the enrollment at Mounds View has declined over the <br />years. He reviewed numbers noting in 2005 the school had 1900 students and in 2013 the school <br />had 1600 students. He questioned if the City took into consideration the declining enrollment <br />when considering these projects. He noted he walked the parking lot and there were an average of <br />85 empty parking spaces in the morning. He asked if this kind of data was taken into <br />consideration. <br />Chair Vijums reported the City was being asked to alleviate a concern that was occurring right <br />now in order to help traffic flow more smoothly. He noted the number of parking spaces being <br />provided by the school was dictated by City Code. <br />There being no additional comment Chair Vijums closed the public hearing at 7:53 p.m. <br />Commissioner Zimmerman moved and Commissioner Weber seconded a motion to <br />recommend approval of Planning Case 21-028 for an Amended PUD at 1900 and 1901 DRAFTc pac p <br />ees dangeees d <br />en there are stuen there <br />worried about tworried about he ga <br />the tennis courts wouldthe tennis courts wo <br />forced to turn right for forced to turn right for <br />e ge gas pump islands woas pump isla <br />would remain on that siteuld remain on that s <br />ns for Mounds View Scns for Mounds View Sc <br />oofed and resided to moofed and resided <br />uld be corrected prior tould be corrected prior <br />eses explained the City Cexplained the <br /> She indicated the Cou She indicated the Co <br />and made some finand made some <br />ffic flowed smoffic flowed sm <br />CoCo