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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />The program costs for Arden Hills is summarized on Attachment B based on estimated quantities <br />provided to the City of Coon Rapids in January 2022. A map depicting the locations of proposed <br />work in Arden Hills for 2022 is provided in Attachment C. <br />Using the actual bid unit prices, this cost exceeds the budgeted amount for the project so staff <br />revised the plan as can be seen in Attachment D & E. The primary revision was to remove the <br />Chatham neighborhood from this year’s plan and shift it to 2023. <br />Staff has reviewed the bid prices and recommends that the City proceed with the work. Under <br />the terms of the Joint Powers Agreement, the City is required to provide a letter of concurrence <br />to Coon Rapids if the City intends to participate in the program this year. A resolution <br />recommending award of the contract is provided as Attachment F. <br />Council will need to determine which plan to move forward with. <br />Budget Impact <br /> <br />The 2022 Operating Budget includes funding in the amount of $220,000 for the proposed work <br />under the 2022 Street Maintenance Program and other annual costs related to resurfacing streets. <br />Attachment B includes the total estimated contract cost in the amount of $253,475.37 <br />Attachment D includes the total estimated contract cost in the amount of $211,905.27 <br />Additional costs to consider is the large area patching that will be done by our Public Works <br />Maintenance Workers. Costs include bituminous material, tack oil material, milling operations <br />and other equipment rentals. Staff is currently inspecting and estimating quantities to determine <br />project costs for these operations. <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />Attachment A: Bid Tabulation <br />Attachment B: Initial Proposed Arden Hills Program Costs <br />Attachment C: Initial Proposed Map <br />Attachment D: Revised Arden Hills Program Costs <br />Attachment E: Revised Map <br />Attachment F: Resolution 2022-015 <br /> <br /> <br />