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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL – MARCH 14, 2022 5 <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Mayor Grant seconded a motion to table <br />action on Resolution #2022-013 for the Arden Oaks Street Improvement <br />Project to the March 21, 2022 Special City Council meeting. A roll call vote <br />was taken. The motion carried (5-0). <br /> <br /> B. Resolution 2022-014 Declaring Costs to be Assessed, Ordering the <br />Preparation of Proposed Assessments and Calling for a Public Hearing – <br />Snelling Avenue North Street & Utility Improvement Project <br /> <br />Brad Fisher, Bolton & Menk, stated on February 14, 2022, the City Council approved plans & <br />specifications and ordered advertisement for bids for the Snelling Avenue North Street and Utility <br />Improvement Project located along Snelling Avenue North from Trunk Highway 51 to County <br />Road E, Cummings Lane, and Bussard Court from Snelling Avenue North to 100-Feet West of <br />Snelling Avenue North. The proposed improvements include bituminous paving, curb and gutter <br />installation, storm water improvements, watermain improvements, sanitary sewer improvements <br />and construction of a 10- foot wide bituminous trail along the west side of the entire length of <br />Snelling Avenue North. Pursuant of Resolution 2022-005 bids were opened on March 9, 2022. 4 <br />bids for the project were received were reviewed with the Council. <br /> <br />Mr. Fisher reported the low bid of $1,277,585.49, received from T.A. Schifsky & Sons, Inc., <br />compares favorably with the construction engineer’s estimate which is $1,289,000. Further <br />analysis of the low bid; adding overhead and dividing it into the costs for Snelling Avenue North <br />and Cummings Lane project areas results in the following street project costs: <br /> <br />• $675,612 Total Street Cost for Snelling Avenue North <br />• $62,176 Total Street Cost for Cummings Lane <br /> <br />Mr. Fisher described how the Snelling Avenue and Cummings Lane assessments were <br />calculated. He explained Snelling Avenue North assessment rate of $3,905.00 per unit as <br />compared to the Feasibility Report estimate of $5,631.88. The assessments related to Cummings <br />Lane are calculated in accordance with the City’s Assessment policy, is half of the street project <br />cost for residential properties. Cummings Lane assessment rate of $3,886.00 per unit as compared <br />to the Feasibility Report estimate of $4,870.85. The timeline for the project was reviewed with <br />the Council and staff recommended approval of the Resolution. <br /> <br />Councilmember Holden asked what provisions were made to keep water from flooding the <br />homes at the end of Cummings Lane through the reconstruction of this roadway. <br /> <br />Mr. Fisher reported erosion control and sediment management provisions were written into the <br />contract. <br /> <br />Mayor Grant questioned if the Council wanted to move forward with this project or table it to <br />next week. <br /> <br />Mr. Fisher stated the difference between this project and the other project was that this project <br />was originally slated to come before the Council for an Assessment Hearing on April 11th and a <br />delay in getting notices out by one week would push the hearing out further. <br />