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_.SCALE: 1 INCH = 50 FEET L.oJ21.85 Ru-1080.4-7 o.11o�11°04'1J" ..-.; -50 0 <br />��; <br />I I· <br />I <br />50 100 150 <br />/ <br />\ \ <br />I <br />� iH ' � i I " lis \1 0 ' '" I � l1• � & l <br />� N ! � g Ji� �? bl� ,.- <br />F-=-:,.,,•-----�-� '°'"'"'"'"""I\ <br />� il, � ! I Ci / � : i �✓ <br />CB CATCH BASIN O DRAIN ET ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER GM GAS MAETER !�l���ANT <br />I.\H MAN HOL£ R RECORD DIMENSION SIGN TP TELEPHONE PEDESTAL TVP TELEVISION PEDESTAL <br />IRON MONUMENT -FOUND IRON MONUMENT -SET <br />@ SCHEDULE 8 ITEM <br />LEGEND <br />--ELEG�-ELECTRIC (UNDERGROUND) --ces �-GAS MAIN --SA, --SANITARY SEWER --SD �-STORM SEWER --TEL�-TELEPHONE (UNDERGROUND) --',/AT--WATER l.4AIN CURB _, -, -• -FENCE WALL <br />0,. HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE <br />ALT A/ACSM Land Title Survey t <br />15. Tho fotlo,.ing <eoi\ol "l'P•a"' on the CerUfoool • of litlo ond wnl bo GOrri� fotW<ird \0 anyn""' CerUficale of Title: "Subj<:<:! to on oasement 130 feet in width for electric tronsmlnlon line purpose In f11.-o, cl Northern States Power Compor,y, to.gelher with tho incidental rights eonnooted therewith, 0$ .. t forth ,n the instrument recorded in Ek>ol< 2434 ol Ram.,,y County Reeords, f�:'11:::�:�t ��::r <br />1�; ;:,,;�h2i� J:,.�i;� i:,,:�1��r t�������; :�n!�h!""'s:i�"r:l1n�0�1"'.:� Nortt,,o..tOuorter,a dlstance of 990feol theoctuol pO!nt olb•glnnlng olthe llne hereln deooMDod; �ho•�=n�;;':lin�·01:0��: :,�:h� 1J�,t� :;.i;;:i�:1�, �'�j!i1�.,;. !r�1"86 �1.t\6t..�.:�:\!"t'h:�:1.n�. i��t��t�! �hoert�lgl��.1�1 d.��•-::o��w;��u6��r\�r�1��t:0n�e0\i12o� i!!!'. E��•;<;;i �:.rt�':���t t�o�er of ,a1d NOJih "os\Quorter ond there \erminoling."Plottod on survey. <br />NOTES �: E�1�r��?fi�r:�:�:1d��•�:}:�i:�r41�:����:':.::e� 0;,�g1 !i:·· 4-. �\�1;\� ���p!:fe':' a�:• 0;:k:Q:::/��"':,p;",!,f��l����o:�1/'°t�;�:YSt'::�o�• �al�,;!��;�0002) rnus\ b� oont<>e\od fer field locations prior lo ony oxco'l<lUon 5. �•i7:'a��d1,�1�t����� :��-•�:;ib :�por plans prO'A<led by \ho City of Arden 6. G<apl,or S\<>\o Ono Coll woo contacted, Ticke\ No. 405-48471, lo locate utilities. Howov.r, not oil utll,\I..,. wor�loooted 7,ThoFIRt.!FLOOOINSURANCERATEMAFfor the CltyolN<len liillo. Ramooy County, Minnesota, C<>mmunlty Panel No. 270375 0002 B efleclive clot• 7 /2/1Ql!1 ohown tho pro�y to be in Z()t,jE C, on oreo of minimal floO<lin�. 8.Tho,ile is,oru,dGB-GolewoyBuoin .. sOistricl. Minimum �uilding Sotbock,o; [£'_-�ri�r 9. El�FJ:�i�l��n�eg�t�.;:/��•tod pl<lin lnfo,mo\lon ao p..-the City of 10. ll•m• cerlified to are limited to tl\ose ltoms which Oro sl>ible or m<>de known \o <br />,,. �:�]:��:1�F��;�1��i�;{J��1�h���;�1o:ior ��!��::9.���;nt• was mode by the """'")'>r as part ol thi• """"'Y· 12. There ore 108 regu1or porl<ing "!>OCOB ond 1 hond,ooppod parking spoee for th� oi\o n. 01:;;1;';�� �; r'!:.'t""!�;;,�,jence of oorth ma.Ing ""'"-bulldin� con,truct,on "' building 14 •• 1::;c:ceot�e!;t���;,'i ���.:::�/ :.,;��:�: i;1�!�a'l:;'t';.�': 1":: f��pi�."!;r.ob-1 • 15. The,e Is no ob,..rvoble ovideneo of site u,. a• o •otid waote dump, sump "'son�ary londfill <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION I herobyc.rt1fy lo CSM Equltles, LL.C., Eoi'io Shores LLC, 8r<J!lC!1 Pevolopmont LLC, Four SonaEnt..-prisea LLC<lndFhl Americon Tltleln,uronc;iCc,mpany<l<'ld U,olr ,_.ct/w heirs, succ .. •=ond oooigns, 11,a\l howpo,sonollyinapocted ond �o'S����{i��J;��to/:i::i���:�� p;;�::1% t:� !�0tr:!Cl: �f�:;; <br />��::::��:f'.!:IY01th1�� (�0���t:ntd O� •r�•�i�:, �:�u;...�o��:�.::':.�'.:: ��wing ond bounda<io• \ho«of; (b) thot the street o.dolroouo, location• ond dimonolono of oll bulding,, ""d tho loco\iono and dimensions of oll parl<ing oreo,, of any other mp,"""ments upon tho Prope,ty, ol oll f""c•• and/o,-retaining ,rolls thereon, of oll recordedCl!ld/or vlolble oooemonto,reslrictions ondCQ""nonts(ondtheoome ore rofarenced to the oppropricte racorded document number or othor applicable recording infom,ollon), os elted In tho tlUe commitment of oil streets, rood,, rights-of­�oy, and moon• of public ond/or prlvoto aoce .. which otfoct. ben.ofit, b.Jrdon or ore odj<)o•nl to tho Propor\y, of<lll ditches, septic systems, drain field•, ullllly lines and/or systems (from eoch buiding or other locotlon on the Property to tl\oir point of connoctioo witt, the pu�ic o:;,\<lmo) ,.t,ich affect, bonot,t, or burdon tho Property, Md ot oll building ootb<lck lines and/a, other sotbock lineo which offoct tho Property, ores. <br />e,oopt oo sho•n hereon; (d) !hot thoro ore no fence,, ro\oioing wols, llghlpoot• or other improwmonls appur\enont to the PropertywOloh ore located wl\hin \he boundoty linoo of .odj,ining pr0porliff,OXOopt<lS'11'1own herO(Jn: (o)_that_ti1eProporty1s not loe!llod ,n any fiood ploin under ""Y stoto or fodorol lo�. ,nolud,ng .,;thoul llmi\otion, o"apoclol floodhoza,dor••"(100YoorFl<>0dPloin],or in on ldonllfl&d"!o<>d prono oreo•, os defined by the U.S. Deportment of Hou,ing ond Urbon Development, purauont to the Flood o..,s\er Pre ... tion Act of 1973, •� amended, oo reflected by Flood lnsu,-.,,..ce Rote MopPonele270J75 00028,doted 7/z/19B!.whkh mop pMo'co-• tho oroo In wl>,ch th• Ptopert� lo loootod, except a• shown on tho """"'Y. (I] thot !Ms plot of""'� ond the survey on whleh it is bosed wen, moOo lr, OCC<lrdonoo "ilh "t.un;mum S\ond0td Detail Requ�oments for N.TA/ACSt.! l..Md li11e Surve)IO•, os joinUy es(obllsliod ano adopted by N.TA ond ACSM in Hiil9, me�\s tho current o<:euracy slandordo joint,y odopt,,d by Al.TA and ACSt.! /or on ALTA/ACSI.I Urban Lond TIiie s,,,.,.y, oo defood thoren, ond C<ln\oin$ il.,ms 1 through 4. 6 lhrou9h 11 ond 14 through 16 incluslve of Toblo A of \t,e 1999 Mlnffium S\ondord Oeloll �equlremen\s lor ALTA/ACSI.ILondTitle Surveys <br />MBTOCK 1446 COUNT,' ROAD J AVIS INC. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55432 I PHONE: 78J-784-9346 FAX: 763-784-9395 <br />CONSUL TING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS <br />BOOK 42M FILE NO. 20-2-2046D9