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WELSH PARK DEDICATION FOR GATEWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT <br /> Ms. Walsh will be recommending a trail easement or transfer of property for 20 feet along the • <br /> west side of the development. This will give the City some land to construct a trail outside of <br /> the U.S. Fish and Wildlife property where necessary. If the Council chooses to require a 10% <br /> park dedication from Welsh, there would be additional cash lieu of dedication. There is also an <br /> option of having Welsh construct a portion of the trail as a part of the fulfillment of their <br /> dedication. <br /> RESIDENT MEETING WITH PEOPLE FROM FREEWAY AND LINDEY'S AREA <br /> The Commission members agreed to invite residents from these park areas to the October <br /> meeting to discuss possible redevelopment options for both park areas. Thanks to the <br /> Romanian Orthodox Church, a new play structure will be installed at Freeway Park in 1998. At <br /> their September 30 meeting, the Commission will discuss which residents streets to invite to <br /> the meeting and what time to meet in October. <br /> The Commission then toured Floral, Valentine, and Arden Manor Parks. Comments from the <br /> tours follow on the next page. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. for park tours. <br /> • <br />