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• with their lives in the city. <br /> Location within the Metropolitan Area was the most liked <br /> feature of the city. At thirty-eight percent it dwarfed all <br /> other responses. Quiet, strong neighborhoods, open spaces, small <br /> town ambience, and friendly people were each cited by between <br /> nine and five percent, each. On the other hand, inadequate city <br /> services and property taxes were the most unpopular feature of <br /> the community, cited by twenty-one percent. Growth, traffic, and <br /> city government all scored above five percent. But, it is note- <br /> worthy that thirty-two percent reported there was "nothing" they <br /> disliked about the community; this "booster" segment is one of <br /> the highest in the Metropolitan Area. The trade-off between <br /> services and property taxes, as well as concerns about future <br /> growth and development, appear to be the greatest concerns cur- <br /> rently facing residents. <br /> Seventy-eight percent rated the sense of community among <br /> Arden Hills citizens as "excellent" or "good." However, when <br /> queried about a focal point in the city, fifty-five percent could <br /> suggest no focus. County Road E was the most popular candidate, <br /> pointed to by twenty-six percent of the citizenry. At present, <br /> then, there is no existing city "center. " <br /> Residents do feel empowered within the community. Seventy- <br /> eight percent reported they could have a say in the way the City <br /> • of Arden Hills runs things, if they wanted. An unusually small <br /> seventeen percent thought they could not. This group of <br /> alienated citizens is one of the smallest present in any <br /> Metropolitan Area suburb. <br /> AeAf,, µ'lls <br /> Frde residents are moderately strong "fiscal <br /> conservatives. " By a forty-five percent to forty-four percent <br /> split, they would support a property tax increase to maintain <br /> city services at their current level. Forty-two percent reported <br /> their current property taxes as either "relatively high" or <br /> "excessively high; " forty-eight percent viewed them as "about <br /> average. Even though the City' s tax rate has remained relatively <br /> stable during the past few years, forty-two percent felt it had <br /> increased and twenty-two percent were unsure. The median <br /> estimate of the City' s share of the property tax was sixteen <br /> percent, equal to the current rate. Residents, then, appear to <br /> be in a "cautious" mood with respect to their taxes, and would <br /> require proponents to clearly justify any proposals to raise <br /> them. <br /> City services were, however, viewed by seventy-four percent <br /> as "excellent" or "good" values for the property taxes paid. In <br /> fact, city services evaluations were moderately positive, with a <br /> few notable exceptions. Police protection, sewers and water, and <br /> snow plowing scored approval ratings of eighty percent or higher. <br /> • City street repair and maintenance, street sweeping, and summer <br /> park maintenance topped seventy percent approval marks. Fire <br /> protection, animal control, winter park maintenance, and <br /> enforcement of selected city codes received approval ratings of <br /> 2 <br />