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03-26-2002 PTRC Agenda
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PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
03-26-2002 PTRC Agenda
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Arden Hills Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting 6 <br /> February 26,2002 <br /> proposal with the Committee. He stated that given the size of the T-Cap, they are going to need <br /> help in developing the west and south side area of the park along City Hall. He stated that Bruce <br /> Vento has put together a committee that includes representatives from the City and Parks groups. <br /> He stated that they have put together a plan that the Council wants to keep. He said that two <br /> more presentations would be coming before the Council for review and approval. He stated that <br /> City Council would like to see federal legislation passed that would state that land, intended for <br /> development, would be turned over to the City. He explained that by placing federal legislation <br /> in place it would also support that the land not being used by the National Guard could be turned <br /> over to the City. <br /> Chair Straumann asked how soon this could happen. Council Liaison Larson stated that they are <br /> trying to get something done now and that they are working with other Cities, encouraging them <br /> to pass a resolution similar in content. He stated that they are working with Ramsey County <br /> Parks and the DNR. He clarified that there is no time frame available regarding the legislation. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated that the Public Works Department wants to be included at the new <br /> facility. He explained that they are working with the department to determine the potential <br /> impacts with respect to appearance and structure. <br /> Council Liaison Larson provided a brief overview of issues addressed by the City Council. He <br /> stated that the Council passed an ordinance authorizing the change for City Council meetings <br /> • from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. He suggested that the Committee discuss the Capital Improvement <br /> Plans stating that the Council would like to incorporate it into the City's Capital Improvement <br /> Plan. <br /> NEXT MEETING AGENDA <br /> Chair Straumann stated that the next meeting would have a financial focus. He suggested that <br /> the Committee keep in mind the important dates for the following month. He stated that the <br /> agenda would include a discussion on the Tree Planting Program and donations from the PTRC. <br /> He asked Mr. Moore to research potential locations for the Committee to review at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> Mr. Moore referenced an area, along the north side of the park, which was in need of a <br /> windbreak stating that this would be a potentially good site. He stated that he would research the <br /> area, along with other potential sites and provide an update at the next Committee meeting. <br /> Mr. Moore stated that last year they had a great year with the Boy Scouts. He stated that they did <br /> a lot of work for the City and encouraged everyone that knows of a scout troop looking for <br /> projects to call. He stated that the City has several projects that could use their help and support. <br /> He stated that they had a phenomenal year with the Boy Scouts and would like to see this happen <br /> again. <br /> • Committee Member Henry asked if the Girl Scouts do anything like this. Mr. Moore confirmed <br /> that the Girl Scouts are involved in the Flower Garden and Adopt a Trail programs. He stated <br /> that he would love to have them involved in the Tree Planting program too and encouraged their <br /> support in the process. <br />
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