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Arden Hills Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting 9 <br /> February 26,2002 <br /> • Committee Member Crassweller clarified that they put together a long-term plan that would <br /> cover approximately a 15-year timeframe. He stated that the Committee understands that the <br /> plan could get pushed out. He stated that they do not want the plan to be affected by the dollars <br /> at the front end. He stated that what they need from Council is their approval of the items <br /> identified within the plan. He explained that it is the Committee's intent, as they move forward, <br /> through the review process of the plan, that they would prioritize items based on cost and the <br /> availability of dollars. <br /> Council Liaison Larson acknowledged his understanding of the Committee's intent and <br /> referenced the document containing numbers that caused confusion. Committee Member <br /> Crassweller clarified that the plan to be presented to Council is without the dollars. He further <br /> clarified that the worksheet included with the plan is a working document, to be used as a <br /> reference for the Committee. Committee Member Thompson clarified that the goal is to get the <br /> agreement, from Council that this is what they want and with the intent,by the Committee, to <br /> then prioritize the items based on what is needed. Council Liaison Larson clarified what the <br /> Council would like to see as far as a projection beyond 2008. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller clarified the process the Committee took to identify contents of <br /> their plan to Council Liaison Larson. Chair Straumann stated that they would like feedback from <br /> the Council and would work to prioritize items based on their feedback. <br /> Council Liaison Larson stated that the City Accountant would begin the budget process in April <br /> • 2002. <br /> Mr. Moore clarified his understanding of the Committee's intent and process stating that they are <br /> looking for Council approval of the plan, come back with the feedback received from Council to <br /> prioritize items and assign the dollars. <br /> Council Liaison Larson thanked the Committee for clarifying noting that it was his understanding <br /> that the two documents were the final. He suggested including motor vehicles in the plan and <br /> asked if they are building any in over the next 18 years. Mr. Moore stated that the City <br /> Accountant clarified that the Park Fund is for new and existing structures. He further clarified <br /> that replacement of vehicles comes from the General Fund and should not be included. Council <br /> Liaison Larson agreed that this is true and suggested that it would be good for the Committee to <br /> include their needs as an informational item. <br /> Committee Member Hatch referenced the EDA and asked for clarification on the General Fund <br /> dollars. Council Liaison Larson clarified that the General Fund dollars allocated for the <br /> Committee. Chair Straumann suggested that they include this item as a part of their financial <br /> discussion for the next meeting. Council Liaison Larson agreed stating that it would give the <br /> Committee a better understanding of where the funds come from. <br /> Mr. Moore asked if they would like to discuss this item as a Committee first or bring in the City <br /> Accountant to provide an overview. Committee Member Thompson stated that she would like to <br /> understand the parameters as provided by the City Accountant. Mr. Moore stated that he would <br /> invite the City Accountant to attend the March 26, 2002 PTRC meeting to discuss funding issues. <br />