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Arden Hills Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting 4 <br /> February 26,2002 <br /> • Committee Member Henry asked for clarification of the attendance counts. Ms. Olson stated that <br /> the Rink Attendants provided the counts. She stated that the season was not good and that <br /> everyone did their best to maintain the rinks. She stated that the intent was to keep Freeway and <br /> Hazelnut Park open an extra week adding that they tried but it was not possible due to the <br /> weather. <br /> Ms. Olson stated that they are working on the budget noting that the City Council has been very <br /> supportive of the programs and in providing assistance in the funding process. She stated that <br /> she is presently working on the City Events and Task Force Committee and that the <br /> Spring/Summer Recreation Guide will be available around March 8, 2002. She explained that it <br /> would be a scaled down version of previously issued guides stating that they are doing the guide <br /> in-house to save on expenses. <br /> Chair Straumann asked if the budget information provided was for informational purposes only <br /> for the Committee. Ms. Olson confirmed that the information provided in the packet was an FYI <br /> to the Committee stating that the budget is presently in the revision process. She stated that she <br /> would provide the Committee with an update on the revised numbers upon approval from the <br /> City Council. <br /> Committee Member Henry asked where the deficit comes from. Council Liaison Larson <br /> • explained that it comes from the General Fund. He stated that the Recreation costs have <br /> increased over the years and explained that they have not had the revenue income to match the <br /> costs. He explained that the Council knows that they need to do more stating that they met with <br /> Mr. Moore and Ms. Olson in January to address the needs of the department. He explained that <br /> they addressed the issues noting an increase of 5% for fees charged and that they changed the <br /> distribution of dollars in the charitable gambling fund. He further explained that the split <br /> increased the amount of money going into the Parks and Recreation department by 5% and the <br /> Fire expenses were decreased by 5%. He stated that City Council is trying to address the needs <br /> for this year. He stated that Ms. Olson came up with the recommended program reductions and <br /> that they are trying to maintain a good recreation program. He agreed that over the long term <br /> they should find a better source for funding. He stated that this was a stop gap measure to <br /> address the immediate needs for this year. <br /> Mr. Moore explained that they surveyed five Cities, of the basic same size, stating that what they <br /> found was that all of them have a different funding process. Ms. Olson explained that the goal is <br /> not to make money but to be able to fund quality programs. <br /> Chair Straumann asked if they have considered other funding options. Council Liaison Larson <br /> stated they are open to all ideas and suggestions. <br /> Council Liaison Larson mentioned several large businesses that could be approached and <br /> suggested that Mr. Moore and Ms. Olson research that possibility. He acknowledged that there <br /> • are many options available that haven't been considered yet noting that Mr. Moore and Ms. <br /> Olson would continue to research all options. <br />