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Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 7 <br /> June 11, 2002 <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Crassweller moved and Committee Member Garretson <br /> seconded to approve the beginning of the natural trails process by utilizing wood <br /> chips from old trees. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> Committee Member Henry clarified that Buckthorn would not re-germinate. Mr. Moore <br /> explained the Buckthorn germination process and assured the Committee that it would not re- <br /> germinate. <br /> Committee Member Henry asked if the County is going to put a railroad underpass high on the <br /> list and if there is anything they need to do. Chair Straumann clarified that the trails already come <br /> up at both connections noting it would not be a large issue. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller stated that they should determine exactly where the unofficial <br /> trail would be placed and connected. He asked for clarification of the costs. <br /> Committee Member Messerly stated that this would not happen due to high water issues in the <br /> area. Mr. Moore provided an overview stating that it is Ramsey County open space that cannot be <br /> touched. He explained that much of the cost is property acquisition noting that most County trails <br /> are paved for multipurpose uses. <br /> Mr. Moore suggested that the Committee consider the busing situation to Mounds View High <br /> School stating that it could have an impact on trails and trail development. He reminded the <br /> Committee to note the two-mile busing limit. He referenced discussions around debt adding that <br /> there would be more cuts and that this could be the wild card for trail connections. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller stated that there has to be a way around connecting Mounds <br /> View High School adding that this would be key for students to walk to school. Mr. Moore <br /> assured the Committee that the numbers for this connection would cost an enormous amount of <br /> money. He explained that the school district has no money to contribute and would end up <br /> coming to the City to request assistance. He referenced the utilities, water, sewer and wetland <br /> issues stating that he would look further into the issues and provide further clarification for the <br /> Committee. <br /> D. Chair Straumann—Highway 96 Reconstruct <br /> Chair Straumann clarified that the area of Highway 96 would be completed to Highway 10 and <br /> that it would have a trail connection. Mr. Moore confirmed that it would have a trail when it is <br /> reconstructed. <br /> Mr. Moore clarified that the Shorewood Drive Trail would involve Northwestern College noting <br /> concerns about opening their campus to the public. He stated that there would probably be a cost <br /> and that they have some land acquisition potentials. He further stated that they couldn't control <br /> what Northwestern does. Committee Member Crassweller clarified the trail route adding that in <br /> order to have a connection on both sides on Shorewood Drive and out to Snelling they would <br /> have to place wood chips. Mr. Moore stated that the one issue is access and clarified that there <br />