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07-23-2002 PTRC Agenda
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PTRC Minutes (1999 to Present)
07-23-2002 PTRC Agenda
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Arden Hills Parks, Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 5 <br /> June 11, 2002 <br /> • Committee Member Thompson stated that it is important to go in with a strong case with <br /> Council. She stated that an interesting item presented by the architects is the modular design with <br /> respect to placement and how it blends with the landscape. She stated that it assists with the <br /> views and that it would be a very nice upgrade for the parks. <br /> Chair Straumann stated that he believes that this group of architects is in the ballpark and <br /> suggested that committee members visit the Rice Creek ball fields to get an idea of the concepts. <br /> Mr. Moore referenced a structure that has dual use for summer as a picnic pavilion and winter as <br /> a warming area. He reviewed the area parks where this concept could work stating that the <br /> shelter would provide a seasonal use. <br /> Committee Member Thompson asked if they are moving towards wanting or needing a structure. <br /> Chair Straumann clarified that this is what is being discussed and agreed that the modular <br /> structures would provide a seasonal,year round use. <br /> Committee Member Thompson stated that there was a need to discuss the structures further and <br /> determine the design. <br /> Chair Straumann suggested one structure for Valentine Park and Perry Park. He stated that they <br /> seem to be setting a scene for trail connections with Perry Park and stated that Hazelnut and <br /> • Freeway Park are in need of a structure. He agreed that they would come back to this discussion <br /> at later time. He also agreed that they should determine the design first. <br /> C. Trails Discussion <br /> Committee Member Henry referenced the trail connections at County Road E and Lake Johanna <br /> and asked for clarification on the number of connections. Mr. Moore clarified that Lake Johanna <br /> is a County road, in terrible shape and in need of improvement. He explained that the County has <br /> a turn back program and wants to turn back Lake Johanna Boulevard to Arden Hills. He further <br /> explained that the City has stated that it would not take it back until it has been repaired. He <br /> explained that it is not a simple project and that it has to be completely redone and within that <br /> they would do a trail connection. He stated that this is a major project. <br /> Mr. Moore explained that one of the issues is how they plan to do it and reviewed with the <br /> Committee. He further explained that they do not have jurisdiction and that they cannot do <br /> anything because it is a County road. <br /> Committee Member Crassweller clarified his understanding noting that they do not have <br /> jurisdiction over Lake Johanna Boulevard. He stated that at one point in time there was <br /> discussion to place a trail from Mounds View High School to Old Snelling and asked for <br /> clarification of costs. Mr. Moore stated that in 1994-95 it was a County road and it was turned <br /> back. He explained that they would place sidewalks free and that the residents voted no to the <br /> is sidewalks and trails. He stated that the road was placed and that last year he went to the County <br /> and asked for suggestions on how they could place a trail on either side of this road. He stated <br />
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