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Arden Hills Parks,Trails and Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes 8 <br /> October 22,2002 <br /> Committee Member Krenn noted that Valentine Park's current planned shelter is smaller and <br /> • suggested cutting the storage space at Cummings to reduce costs. <br /> Ms. Olson noted that the point person for this subject is not present and suggested adding to next <br /> month's agenda. <br /> Mr. Moore clarified that the intent is for partnerships with groups such as MSI that would place <br /> an interpretive center. He stated that the center would share names with the City and the Partner. <br /> Committee Member Thompson clarified that the intent is to determine who they want to partner <br /> with and what they would expect from them. She stated that she does not have any problem <br /> giving credit such as plaques that would identify the partner. Ms. Olson noted that this could <br /> also include special events for sponsorship from companies like Guidant and MSI. <br /> Chair Straumann suggested developing a matrix for review at the next meeting <br /> 3. 2003 Budget Overview <br /> Mr. Moore suggested placing this on next agenda—departments are not prepared yet with what <br /> needs to be discussed. <br /> 4. Next Meeting Agenda <br /> • ❖ Park Partners Program <br /> ❖ 2003 Budget Overview <br /> ❖ PTRC Budget Allocation Request/Motion for 2003 Budget <br /> ❖ Bridge between Perry and Tony Schmidt <br /> 5. Other Items for Discussion <br /> Committee Member Thompson noted a motion to approve the PTRC requests for the City <br /> Council to allocate $250,000.00 for 2003 and asked what they are trying to accomplish with the <br /> request. Committee Member Krenn explained that it was an amount of money that could be used <br /> to plan what they would like to do for 2003. <br /> Council Liaison Larson asked if this was an authorization from the Park Fund. Chair Straumann <br /> clarified that it is not. Committee Member Thompson expressed concerns stating that she does <br /> not agree with the process. She suggested that they discuss this issue further at the November <br /> meeting. Council Liaison Larson reviewed the various options for the funding with the <br /> Committee. <br /> Mr. Moore reviewed the intent for the funding process and requests noting that they would like <br /> to move together with the Council in the planning and funding process for the City parks. <br />