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Minutes of Parkway Study ad hoc Committee, page two <br /> . January 31 , 1985 <br /> Tentative Conclusions <br /> Committee, after discussion, decided all candidate routes and potential gateways <br /> should be Included in recommendation to Council as "environmentally sensitive", <br /> and part of parkway route. Miller is to include definition of "parkway" or <br /> alternative wordage in his report. Mil ►er was also asked to draft an amendment <br /> to the City's Transportation Plan for review at its next meeting. <br /> Since all proposed parkway routes are county roads, City would then review any <br /> County plans for upgrading and attempt 'to include parkway amenities. <br /> Logical areas to begin seem to be Hamline Ave (upgrading planned hopefully in <br /> next few years), Tony Schmidt section of Lake Johanna Boulevard, and gateway at <br /> Lexington Ave. and County Road E. <br /> Adjournment <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. <br /> Submitted by Shirley Marshall . <br /> THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING OF THE PARKWAY AD HOC COMMITTEE WILL BE HELD <br /> MARCH 7, 1985, 7:30 P.M. VILLAGE HALL. <br />