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a. Maybe they are very busy already <br /> b. Their needs may be provided for by other organizations, such as <br /> churches, community ed. , <br /> It was mentioned that at one time a flyer was mailed with the Town <br /> Crier, to invite response to organize senior citizen group. The <br /> response was very low. <br /> 2. No real involvement with the handicapped or retarded. <br /> a. Comment: we have yet to respond to some known needs, i .e. , park <br /> access with hard surfaced paths for wheelchairs, etc. <br /> INFORMATION THAT WE MAY PRESENTLY BE LACKING: <br /> I . How much more are citizens willing to pay to upgrade parks, programs <br /> etc. <br /> a. Feeling was that citizens are generally mot going to offer to spend <br /> more than they have to in any area. A good example is the Dist. 621 <br /> referendum. <br /> 2. Are citizens happy with the condition of the upkeep of the parks. Are <br /> they willing to pay more for better and more formal grooming. <br /> QUESTIONS: <br /> • 1 . Can we adapt or change significantly if information in the survey <br /> indicated it? <br /> a. What would we do with heavy demand for large city park, park shelters <br /> and toilets, etc. <br /> 2. Are we already doing most everything possible to provide parks and <br /> programs that are within the guidelines of the comprehensive plan of <br /> Arden Hills, and responding to the information we now have regarding <br /> citizens wishes. <br /> COMMENTS: <br /> It was felt that if we have AN EXTRA $1 ,300 to spend we should do it on <br /> development or programs, since we already have well defined needs that have <br /> not been met, or goals we wish to achieve. <br /> It was recommended that we continue to invite citizen input, but a survey <br /> is not recommended at this time. <br /> • <br />