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Minutes of Regular Parks and Recreation August 14, 1984 <br /> Page two <br /> • - They haven' t formally organized, but they have had meetings <br /> with about 25 parents volunteering their support. They envision <br /> a program much like Arden Hills ' and Shoreview' s where instruc- <br /> tion is maximized at first. <br /> - A program that permits a child to play for the good experience - <br /> not be eliminated because of lack of ability. <br /> - Winning isn ' t the goal but rather the positive experience or <br /> they can get discouraged. <br /> - They felt they could handle 4 teams from grades 3 and 4; and <br /> 4 teams from grades 5 and 6 from each grade school. Grade <br /> schools in Mounds View areas are Island Lake, Snail Lake, <br /> Turtle Lake and Valentine Hills . <br /> - It was further stated that the boys and girls would be separate. <br /> The girls would play in the fall until the last of December. <br /> Then the boys would start in January and play an equal amount <br /> of time. <br /> - Their charge will ba $15.00 to participate in the in-house <br /> program. <br /> - They want the Parks and Recreation Committee support. <br /> • - John Buckley would serve on the Board of Directors and therefore, <br /> be able to monitor the program. Buckley also thinks it will <br /> inspire good community relations . <br /> The Committee was very concerned that the present emphasis on learning, <br /> having fun, and equal participation governing youth athletics continue <br /> to be stressed by the new parent sponsoring group. Kostishack ques- <br /> tioned the idea of the Parks and Recreation relinquishing this program <br /> to others . She said then she wondered why it wouldn' t happen to other <br /> sports also. <br /> After further discussion, Klick made a motion, seconded by Otto, that <br /> the Mounds View Basketball Program be accepted with the idea that <br /> after the girls ' program, a report should be made at the January meet- <br /> ing for evaluation. <br /> North Heights Luthern Church Park Dedication <br /> Lien, a representative of North Heights Luthern Church, explained <br /> some of the tentative plans for walkways and trails . He said they <br /> realize they have to comply to the ordinance, but just how is not <br /> established as of yet . <br /> Sand expressed that there was some concern after the July meeting. <br /> The main concern was if the set aside of approximately 4.3 acres for <br /> storm drainage and ponding will meet the intent of the Park Dedication <br /> • Ordinance. <br /> Buckley passed out copies of the ordinance pertaining to Park <br /> Dedication. After additional discussion, the following conclusions <br /> were established: <br />