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MEMO <br /> DATE : August 24 , • 1984 <br /> TO : Council , John Buckley <br /> FROM : Don Ilesserly <br /> SUBJECT : Wildflower Order - Crepeau Park <br /> John , attached is an order for 1•.,ildflowers totalling $240 . 50 . <br /> I will need a check from Arden Hills totalling $213 . 00 . I <br /> have included a personal order in this order , totalling $27 . 50 . <br /> I will add my check for $27 . 50 to the Arden Hills check for <br /> $213 . 00 for a total of $240 . 50 . Out of this order , I am <br /> planning to keep 10 red trilliams for $ 10 . 00 , 2 ladies slippers <br /> for $ 10 . 00 and 5 may apples for $5 . 00 , totalling $25 . 00 . I <br /> have added the 6 sales tax and split the $2 . 00 handling charge <br /> For a total of $27 . 50 . Upon receipt of the $213 . 00 check , I <br /> will add my check to this and submit the order to Orchid <br /> Gardens . Order must be rprpiye-d at Orchid Gardens by September <br /> 1 for fall delivery . I will request that the delivery be made <br /> approximately October 1 . Planting will then be completed <br /> October 15 , 1984 . <br /> rm <br />