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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JULY 18, 2022 6 <br /> Councilmember Holden restated that the City should send a letter to Ramsey County telling <br /> them to take out the noxious weeds, take out the dead trees and plant new trees and the City will <br /> maintain them. <br /> D. Hazelnut Parking Lot Discussion <br /> City Administrator Perrault reported that staff has re-engaged with the Gathering Place Church. <br /> They are willing to give up about 28% of their parking lot to turn back over to park land, members <br /> of the public would have the right to continue to use the parking lot. Finer points of the <br /> agreement include the City leading the project and costs split 50150 between the City and the <br /> church, it would be tied to another project and anticipated to be done in 2024, the cost estimate is <br /> approximately $250,000 which may increase if they add lighting, the City will crack seal and/or <br /> sealcoat the parking lot for a period of 20 years and annually fill minor potholes that could be <br /> reasonably filled, the City would continue to pay the church $1,500 a year for snow plowing, the <br /> Gathering Place will be responsible for addressing any maintenance activities outside of the crack- <br /> sealing, sealcoating and/or minor pothole filling, and at the end of the 20 years they may enter into <br /> another agreement. <br /> Councilmember Holmes felt the language should say the Gathering Place should be responsible <br /> for paying for maintenance activities,not just addressing them. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked why it was 28%. <br /> City Administrator Perrault said it was a rough number based on the stalls that they were <br /> removing from the north end of the lot, with the intention to retain the ingress/egress points. <br /> E. Noise Barrier Discussion <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated Council had discussed noise barriers along the west side of <br /> Highway 51 near the Glenhill Road access and the west side of Old Highway 10. Council could <br /> consider the east side of either road(for the Highway 10 location the east side location would be <br /> further south). MnDOT does have a noise barrier program where cities can compete for funding. <br /> The City put in an application in 2021, a study was done which included the west side of Highway <br /> 10, it was not selected. The east side of Highway 10 near Norma was also looked at and was also <br /> considered not cost feasible. Staff could put in another application for as many areas as Council <br /> desires. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if they had redone the noise study on the west side of Highway 10. <br /> City Administrator Perrault said it was looked at again in 202land the decibel count didn't <br /> meet the criteria. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if they could get a copy of that study. <br /> Mayor Grant said he'd like to see the City apply for the west side of Highway 10. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if they could do a special assessment on property owners. <br />