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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION—JULY 18, 2022 7 <br /> City Administrator Perrault replied that it is in statute that you can assess for a noise wall. The <br /> question was if all the properties in the area were in favor of the wall. <br /> City Administrator Perrault said each location is reviewed when an application is received but <br /> he would need to confirm if they did a new noise study each time. The application itself is simple, <br /> but if selected there would be a 10% match from the City. <br /> Councilmember Holden thought they should also submit an application for the west side of <br /> Highway 51 near Glenhill. <br /> Mayor Grant said he doesn't support a wall on the east side of Highway 10. He added that if <br /> shortening the length of wall on the west side increases the score they should consider that. He <br /> suggested getting a copy of the last report to see what length will get the best score. Staff should <br /> also ask for Highway 51 so a study gets done. <br /> F. 2023—2027 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Discussion <br /> Finance Director Bauman explained that the CIP doesn't commit the Council to any of the <br /> proposed projects, but is the basis for the 2023 budget. She reviewed the Summary of Capital <br /> Improvement Plan Expenditures chart, and changes from the previous year. Projects were <br /> discussed individually and changes made as necessary. Other items reviewed were Equipment in <br /> 2023, Estimated Ending Fund Balance by Year, and the MSA Summary. <br /> Discussion also ensued regarding the Lake Johanna trail and the need for something being done <br /> that would be safe now, rather than waiting until the trail is built. <br /> Finance Director Bauman asked if staff should assume a $50,000 increase in the levy for the <br /> Public Safety Capital Fund for 2023. Consensus was yes. <br /> Finance Director Bauman asked if staff should plan on transferring $102,540 from the General <br /> Fund to the PIR Fund. After discussion, staff was directed to do so. <br /> Point of order was called at 8:03 p.m. by Councilmember Holmes and a vote was taken to extend <br /> the meeting 15 minutes. <br /> G. City Code Section 910, Swimming Pools Fence Regulations <br /> Mayor Grant asked the Council if they'd like to change the fence height to 48 inches. He noted <br /> that most cities are at four feet. <br /> Councilmembers Holmes and Holden felt they should stay at five feet. <br /> Mayor Grant and Councilmembers Scott and Radziej would be agreeable to the change. <br /> H. International Paper Parking Update <br /> City Administrator Perrault stated that International Paper requested an extension on a plan to <br /> September 30. <br />