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08-16-22 PTRC
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08-16-22 PTRC
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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes July 26, 2022 <br />Page 6 <br />Committee Member Dietz said about six years ago volunteers at Floral Park received one from <br />the city and they wear them when they work in the park. He felt a shirt or hat were good ideas, or <br />something for them to wear while they are in the park. <br />Committee Member Poelzer thought the Arden Hills logo should be on the back. <br />Council Liaison Scott thought the logo and the word “volunteer” should be on the shirt. <br />A motion was made by Committee Member Dietz and seconded by Committee Member <br />Poelzer to request reflective vests with the city logo and “volunteer” on them to be <br />distributed to volunteers. Motion passed unanimously. <br />E.Park and Trail Tour Recap <br />Chair Hinton asked if there was anything further they wanted to share with City Council <br />regarding the park and trail tour they took on June 19. <br />Committee Member Kelliher asked if there had been any research done on a cistern pump. <br />Staff Liaison Vaughn said the Assistant Public Works Director had requested a quote but hadn’t <br />received it yet. <br />Committee Member Beggin said getting garbage can covers has been effective. <br />5. REPORTS <br />Committee Member Poelzer said she had received a complaint from a family that had been <br />notified the playground program wasn’t going to be held one day because there wasn’t enough <br />staff, and the next day they were notified that it was completely cancelled. This caused day care <br />problems for those who were relying on the program. She wondered how many families or <br />children were affected by the cancellation. <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan clarified that this was in regard to the afternoon playground program at <br />Hazelnut Park. There were 30 kids enrolled in the program with only one staff member available. <br />There had been four staff that were planning to work afternoons. During staff training he was told <br />by three of the four that they had taken other positions and wouldn’t be working the afternoon <br />program. He tried to find alternatives to make it work, but ultimately, he just didn’t have enough <br />staff. <br />Committee Member Kelliher asked if volunteer chaperones could be considered. <br />Staff Liaison Vaughan didn’t know the answer to that question. <br />Council Liaison Scott noted that the Bark and Rec event was Saturday at Perry Park.
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