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• <br /> KeepingUp , <br /> y L.A. Jones nv <br /> Reconsider part-time director <br /> program <br /> HIRING A part-time parks and recreation pro- good sense to invest another $10,000 of charitable <br /> gram director is a good idea that merits reconsidera- money to make good use of those resources. To do <br /> tion in Arden Hills. It is an idea that would cost the otherwise is akin to buying a new car and parking it <br /> city nothing in 1989 and would benefit Arden Hills in your garage for safe keeping. <br /> residents in a most tangible way. In addition, Council Member Malone's assertion <br /> Three charities doing business at the Pot O' Gold that an outside force would be directing city policy is <br /> bingo hall have agreed to pay the salary costs of a an equally fallacious argument against hiring a <br /> part-time director-estimated to be about$10,000 in part-time director. <br /> 1989. Two members ofthe city council have support- The city council,as with any charitable donation, <br /> ed the idea and two members have opposed it. A contribution or grant, has the authority to reject or <br /> fifth was not present to vote on the issue. accept a donation or participate in a grant program. <br /> Opposition to the plan has centered around The fact that the council already voted 2-2 not to <br /> • Council Member Nancy Hansen's perception that hire a part-time director plainly speaks to this fact. <br /> there is no such need for a director and Council <br /> Member Paul Malone's contention that the charities CLEARLY,TILE idea is a good one and could be <br /> are,'in effect, already making the decision for the attempted on a one-year trial basis to see if a part- <br /> city by donating the funds. time director increases recreational participation <br /> Both arguments, however, are fallacious and do and use of the city's park sites, as pragmatically <br /> not take into account the potential benefits a part- suggested by Mayor Tom Sather and Council <br /> time program director would afford both the city's Member Thomas Mahowald. <br /> parks program and Arden Hills youth in general. If the demand for a part-time program director <br /> does not prove cost-efficient, or if Arden Hills resi- <br /> COUNCIL MEMBER Hansen has stated, "I just dents do not respond to new recreational opportuni- <br /> don't see the parks being used a lot." Given the fact ties, the council should have little trouble eliminat- <br /> that what she says is true, however, shouldn't the ing the position in 1990. <br /> city attempt to make maximum use of its park Mayor Sather is right when he says, "I would <br /> resources by making an intensity of recreational like to try it. I don't see a lot of risk myself in this <br /> opportunities available to residents? particular proposal." <br /> The city has invested hundreds of thousands of Philosophical opposition and a mere perception <br /> dollars developing its park sites, and it just makes should not stand in the way of at least trying. <br /> • <br />