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Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br />implementing targeted, measurable and prioritized water quality BMPs within the watershed’s <br />developed areas in order to meet MS4 requirements. This study will also serve as the planning <br />tool needed to apply for future grant funding. <br />Budget Impact <br /> <br />The fee for services will be based on a time and material basis (Not to exceed $16,600) and <br />include the following tasks: <br />1. Data Gathering <br />2. Desktop Analysis <br />3. Field Reconnaissance <br />4. Analysis <br />5. Technical Memorandum <br /> <br />Deliverables will include a final Memorandum with retrofit recommendations and preliminary <br />costs. <br /> <br />This study will be used to support grant opportunities through the Minnesota Board of Water and <br />Soil Resources, Clean Water Fund Program. <br /> <br />Previously, the City of New Brighton had expressed an interest in partnering on this project. <br />After further discussion, they opted to not share costs at this time but would be willing to fund <br />construction of BMP projects that come from this study in the future. Our Surface Water <br />Management Fund will need to cover the full cost of the analysis. <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />Attachment A: Professional Services Agreement with HR Green <br /> <br /> <br />