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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—NOVEMBER 28, 2022 4 <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe explained over the next year, city staff worked <br /> through the process to facilitate the sale of the Subject Property. On August 8, 2022, the City <br /> Council approved the purchase agreement for the Subject Property from Ahmed Ali and Nawal <br /> Hirsi. The purchase agreement included an acknowledgement of the Applicant's responsibility for <br /> all costs associated with due diligence which includes the variance review due to the <br /> nonconforming lot size. As part of the due diligence via a survey, it was determined that the lot <br /> measured approximately 14,472 square feet, and would not require a variance for lot area but <br /> would require a variance for lot depth. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe commented the Applicants requested feedback on the <br /> variance request at the City Council Work Session meeting on October 17th ahead of the Planning <br /> Commission review. The discussion amongst the City Council was generally supportive of the <br /> driveway access off of Snelling Avenue N., but there was consensus that the Applicants should <br /> consider moving the house placement slightly north in order to gain more room from the adjacent <br /> parcels. The Applicants did shift the house location slightly to the north for the full submission. <br /> Since the concept review, the proposed setback from Ridgewood Road has been modified from 12 <br /> feet to 16.3 feet, and from 10 feet to 14.1 feet adjacent to the south side yard property line. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe stated at their November 9, 2022 meeting, the <br /> Planning Commission reviewed the variance request on the Subject Property. After discussion,the <br /> Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the non-conforming lot depth variance by <br /> a 7-0 vote. The Planning Commission also recommended denial of the parcel setbacks and <br /> driveway access variance by a 4-3 vote. The Planning Commission cited the following reasons for <br /> this denial: <br /> - The degree of the setback variance requested is too significant. <br /> - The site is to be accessed from Ridgewood Road and access off of Snelling is not <br /> recommended for safety reasons. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe reviewed the existing site conditions, site data and <br /> provided further information to the Council on the Plan Evaluation. <br /> Community Development Director Jagoe offered the following Findings of Fact: <br /> General Findings: <br /> 1. City Staff received a land use application for a variance request to the required R-1 Zoning <br /> District lot depth, front yard setback, and driveway access at the Subject Property, 3588 <br /> Ridgewood Road. <br /> 2. The Subject Property is a nonconforming lot of record deeded to the City through the State <br /> and County from the Old Snelling Avenue corridor right-of-way (now referred to as <br /> Snelling Avenue North). <br /> 3. The Subject Property is a nonconforming lot with a mean lot depth of 97.4 feet and does <br /> not comply with the minimum R-1 district standards for lot depth of 130 feet. <br /> 4. The Subject Property is currently undeveloped <br /> 5. The Planning Commission has determined that a potential sale of the City owned property <br /> at 3588 Ridgewood Road would be in compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 6. The proposed single-family dwelling would not require a side yard setback variance. <br />