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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 5 <br />37 years. He stated he paid his bills, raised his children and did not appreciate the accusation from <br />the new Councilmember. <br />Mayor Grant encouraged the public to keep their comments respectful. <br />Anne Hall, 4276 Norma Avenue, stated she has lived in Arden Hills for the past seven years. She <br />thanked the Mayor and the past City Councilmembers for their work on behalf of the community. <br />She welcomed the new Councilmembers for their willingness to serve. She explained she would <br />like to see the TCAAP development progress. She feared the City risks stagnating this project in a <br />number of ways and that there has been a lack of vision in the past few years. She indicated she <br />would like to see TCAAP developed due to the lack of housing in the metro area. She hoped <br />TCAAP would have a wide variety of housing. She reported this development was an amazing <br />opportunity for the north metro and noted this site would provide housing, jobs and recreational <br />space for Arden Hills residents and the surrounding community. She encouraged the Mayor and <br />Council to work creatively to develop this space in a forward thinking manner and that was <br />environmentally sound and was affordable to people at all income levels. She stated she has been <br />disappointed by the stalemate to develop this site. She explained she wanted to see the Mayor and <br />Council work effectively with Ramsey County to solve problems and negotiate agreements. She <br />questioned when the next meeting would be held between the City and the County. She <br />encouraged the Mayor to focus on progress that was not grounded in fear but rather was based on <br />reasonable data. She indicated the fear of traffic, lower income people, change and taxes were the <br />overriding sentiments for this project and not how do we accomplish this project in the best way <br />possible. She urged the Council to find the best in each other and to not demonize each other <br />because this would not help the community thrive and move forward. <br />Craig Wilson, 1677 Lake Valentine Road, stated he has lived in Arden Hills for the 40 years. He <br />commented on how former Mayor Woodburn knocked on his door and stated he hoped this was <br />the only time he would ever have to see him. He discussed how the City has changed over the past <br />25 years and how they have worked to improve communication between the City and the public. <br />He commented on the history of the TCAAP property and how the City and feds were involved, <br />and the County was almost nowhere. He reported the City spoke with the public to design plans <br />and the prevailing wisdom was that it would take 50 years to clean and develop this site. He <br />explained the County jumped the gun and subverted the process and wasted $30+ million. He <br />indicated the County has displayed ineptitude over and over again in this community. He <br />discussed how the City has been moving forward in a manner that was best for the citizens of <br />Arden Hills. He hoped the Council could continue in this manner, with respect to the TCAAP <br />development. He stated he did not want the Council to pull a coup. <br />Ed Dickinson, 3188 Asbury Avenue, stated after many years of minimal negotiation and action <br />regarding the TCAAP development, the key commitment the Advance Arden Hills group made to <br />the voters was to immediately move forward with the development of that property. The voters <br />agreed and voted in three Advance Arden Hills members. He explained at the end of their tenure <br />in December, the Council acted in such a way as to subvert the Advance group's ability to act on <br />TCAAP by voting David Grant and Brian Holmes on the JDA. He reported this last minute act <br />created an adversarial relationship among the Council and the Mayor when there is so much <br />important work ahead. He requested these two appointments be rescinded so the new Council can <br />move forward on TCAAP and many other issues as an acting Council. <br />