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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 6 <br />Brian Holmes, 1808 Chatham Avenue, explained he had not had the opportunity to meet the new <br />Councilmembers and he welcomed them to the City Council. He discussed the proposed action <br />under Item 10C — Rescinding the JDA Appointments. He provided the Council with background <br />information as to his experience with the JDA. He reported he responded to an ad in 2019, <br />interviewed and was selected by the City Council as the resident Chair to the JDA. He explained <br />he did not have any affiliation with any of the Councilmembers prior to this time. He stated he has <br />no political aspirations and he still does not. He indicated his only objective was to bring Arden <br />Hills and Ramsey County together to find a solution for TCAAP. He indicated he had the <br />opportunity to lead one meeting on February 4, 2019 and during this meeting concerns were raised <br />and both parties agreed to meet again in two weeks. He stated the meeting was scheduled and <br />Ramsey County never showed up. He reported Ramsey County has not shown up for the thirty <br />plus meetings that have been scheduled over the past three years. He explained Items IOC and <br />IOD were placed on the agenda in hopes of changing the JDA appointments. He understood the <br />Council had the desire to make a change with the thinking new people could bring Ramsey <br />County back to the table. He did not know that this would be the case. He supported what was <br />best for the community. He believed the City should be acting with transparency which would <br />include reaching out to people who are currently in a role to understand their perspective before <br />objecting to them. He hoped the Council could keep up with the traditions of the past four years <br />and that all discussions with Ramsey County be held at the JDA meetings in order to allow the <br />public to attend, learn and evaluate tradeoffs being made for themselves. <br />Donna Wiemann, 1406 Arden View Drive, noted there were five motions that were sent to the <br />Mayor regarding assignments. She explained one was to temporarily suspend the Mayor's duties. <br />She stated she strongly disagreed with this. She understood another motion would be to establish <br />an Acting Mayor. She questioned why a motion was being made to have Gregg Larson assigned to <br />the JDA. She understood there was also a motion to remove Brian Holmes and Mayor Grant from <br />the JDA. She indicated Gregg Larson was defeated in the recent election and choosing him as a <br />resident representative to the JDA was inappropriate. She recommended a more neutral candidate <br />be chosen. She requested the City Council work together on all of the issues that face the <br />community. She stated she did not want to see the Council working individually to get what they <br />want but rather encouraged the Council to work together for the betterment of the community. <br />Jordan Luhmann, 1612 Oak Avenue, stated he has lived in Arden Hills for the past 15 years. He <br />thanked the Council for its time and for hearing the concerns of the public. He explained after <br />hearing about Tom Fabel's letter to Mayor Grant, he emailed Tom on Friday morning. He read the <br />email he sent to Tom which stated when he voted, he purposely selected some incumbents and <br />some new members from the Advance Arden Hills ticket. He reported Tom Fabel's letter to the <br />Mayor stated the motions are necessary to fulfill the intent of the voters of Arden Hills. He argued <br />that the result of the election reflects his intent as well as others. He was curious as to how these <br />decisions would impact the Council. He stated he never heard back from Tom Fabel on Friday, <br />which led him to send an email to all of the Councilmembers today. He explained within two <br />hours he had received responses from Mayor Grant and Councilmember Holden, but he has still <br />not heard back from any of the three new Councilmembers. He found it ironic that the incumbents <br />got back to him, while the new Councilmembers, who promised more transparency and that they <br />would listen to the residents of Arden Hills, were silent. He indicated he voted for Emily <br />Rousseau and Tena Monson. He feared if they went along with the spirit of Tom's letter and <br />significantly limited Mayor Grant's responsibilities, even though he won the election, he would be <br />