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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 8 <br />Nancy Jacobsen, 3188 Asbury Avenue, welcomed the new Councilmembers to the City Council. <br />She discussed how this evening has been uncomfortable given the comments that were being <br />made. She reported she has a hearing loss and noted the Council Chambers had very difficult <br />acoustics. She indicated she was delighted to have new members voted onto the City Council and <br />she wanted TCAAP to move forward. She requested the appointments that were made in <br />December to the JDA be rescinded and that the new Council make a determination on these <br />appointments. <br />Kathy Nelson, 3475 Siems Court, stated she has lived in her home for the past 36 years. She <br />hoped all Councilmembers would be able to listen and look at the history of the City. She <br />discussed the proposed roundabout at Old Snelling Avenue and Lake Johanna Boulevard, which is <br />in her neighborhood. She explained she supported roundabouts and understood they worked great <br />in certain circumstances. She did not believe the intersection of Old Snelling and Lake Johanna <br />Boulevard was the right location for a roundabout, given the amount of pedestrians that used this <br />intersection. She reported this intersection was not overly busy and turning it into a roundabout <br />was a waste of taxpayer money. She understood the project costs have increased over 82%. She <br />questioned why information had not been provided to the City from the County that would keep <br />the intersection as is while fixing the underground utilities. She noted there had not been any <br />accidents at this intersection in the past five years, even though the County reported there had <br />been five accidents. She discussed the grade at this intersection and questioned if a roundabout <br />was the best decision. She indicated the proposed roundabout would have eight street lights, <br />which would adversely impact the surrounding neighbors. She questioned why right-of-way issues <br />were all of the sudden a concern for the County and asked why they had not done their due <br />diligence. She commented further on how six months of construction would adversely impact the <br />neighborhood. She requested the Council consider the history of the project and make the right <br />decision regarding the roundabout. <br />David Peterson, 3433 Lake Johanna Boulevard, stated he has not seen any detailed information <br />regarding TCAAP. He explained he develops property and 15 rental units across the state of <br />Minnesota. He stated he would like to learn more about why his property taxes were so high, <br />noting he lived on Lake Johanna. He discussed the number of trespassers he had on his property <br />on a daily basis in the summer. He reported he was working with the County on this matter. He <br />questioned what the cost per lot or per unit would be for TCAAP and what the taxation would be. <br />He feared how current Arden Hills residents would be impacted by this development. He <br />encouraged the City to continue communicating with the County in order to move the TCAAP <br />project forward. He recommended the Council stay open minded and work together. <br />Tim Stevens, 1408 Forest Lane, stated he was raised in this community, has lived all over the <br />country, and returned to Arden Hills to raise his family. He discussed how the three new <br />Councilmembers were making him regret his decision. He commented on how tonight's issue was <br />not about TCAAP, but rather was about silencing the community. He explained the City had a <br />referendum and the majority voted for Mayor Grant to continue leading this community. He stated <br />the motion to dismiss him of these responsibilities ignores the votes and voice of the community. <br />He reported the election shows the City has an evolving community. He encouraged the new <br />Councilmembers to remember they represent all members of the Arden Hills and not just Advance <br />Arden Hills. He feared how the actions from tonight will set the tone for the next two to four <br />years. He encouraged the new Councilmembers to bridge the divisions instead of sewing the seeds <br />