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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 7 <br />regretting his vote for each of them. He guaranteed that Councilmember Monson and <br />Councilmember Rousseau would not be receiving his vote in the next election. He stated in regard <br />to the JDA, what harm would there be in allowing Mayor Grant to continue as the representative. <br />He reported Mayor Grant brings years of knowledge and experience to this position that was <br />valuable and this would be missing if new Councilmembers were appointed to both positions. He <br />hoped the Council would continue to be able to work together to continue to make Arden Hills a <br />great place to live and a place he was proud to call home. <br />Doug VanderHeiden, 1660 Oak Avenue, explained he agreed with almost everything Jordan <br />stated. He reported he and his wife voted a mixed ticket with the sole purpose of having the <br />Council come together to compromise, not to have a power struggle or coup. He hoped new ideas <br />would come forward and encouraged the Council to come together. <br />Steve Freimuth, 1200 Ingerson Road, stated he has lived in Arden Hills for almost 40 years. He <br />indicated elections have consequences. He congratulated everyone who was elected. He reported <br />over 20 years ago he ran for City government and he lost. He explained during the Vento years he <br />volunteered to serve on the TCAAP committee. He understood the congressman had his agenda, <br />but not a lot of the facts. He discussed how he worked to provide facts to the politicians in hopes <br />of them making good decisions for the community. He stated he was old and older people did not <br />really like change. He indicated he had mixed feelings regarding TCAAP given his history with <br />the development. He reported he cared about people and discussed the immigrants that have lived <br />in his home over the years. He supported TCAAP having low income housing. He recommended <br />TCAAP be dense but not too dense. He discussed how COVID changed jobs, interest rates and <br />transportations requirements. He encouraged the Council to work together. He stated he was very <br />disappointed by Councilmember Fabel's actions, especially considering this was done before he <br />was even sworn in. He encouraged the new Councilmembers to try and learn from the <br />incumbents. He stated the actions of Councilmember Fabel have created an adversarial situation. <br />He asked if now was the right time to be bringing this action forward. He believed the City of <br />Arden Hills was better than this. He urged the Council to work together and respect one another, <br />even when they don't agree with one another. <br />Chris Sears, 3815 New Brighton Road, commented that the group was a political party, as <br />Councilmember Fabel admitted, as the three new individuals colluded together prior to becoming <br />Councilmembers. He stated he was frustrated by this situation. He commented on how these <br />Councilmembers placed something in his mailbox, which was a violation of 5083.1.3 of the <br />Domestic Mail Manual. He reported this was a federal law that was broken by the Advance <br />Arden Hills group members. He explained the flyers from this group did not have a postmark and <br />asked the three new Councilmembers to admit to this. He went on to say he was a big supporter of <br />TCAAP. He believed the City had a great plan for this property as of last March. He understood <br />Ramsey County and the Met Council have not shown up to meet with the City. He stated he <br />appreciated the efforts of the City and the developer. He was curious which organization <br />supported Advance Arden Hills, which he suspected was Ramsey County and the Met Council. <br />He explained this was speculation, but he spent a number of years in military intelligence and the <br />last 20 years investigating cyber security. He encouraged the Council to table action on <br />Councilmember Fabel's motions and that the Council hear the voices of the public. <br />