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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 17 <br />point could be utilized. He reported this project was an exceedingly expensive solution for this <br />intersection. <br />Mayor Grant commented for cost prospective, he indicated the City Council discussed a trail <br />along the entire stretch of Lake Johanna Boulevard with the County's Engineer and noted this <br />whole project was $6.5 million. He noted this single intersection as slated to cost $4.2 million. He <br />asked Ramsey County to come forward and speak to the Council. <br />John Mazzitello, Interim County Engineer for Ramsey County, stated a lot of questions had been <br />asked this evening regarding this project. He reported he would like to address these concerns. He <br />indicated this project has been in the works since 2019. He did not believe this project has been <br />rushed and was to the point it was ready to be bid. He noted the agreement before the Council was <br />part of the cost participation process. He explained the County has a right-of-way staff specialist <br />that manages all acquisitions on behalf of the County. He stated the County's process was tried <br />and true and has the support of the County Attorney's office. He reported, in walking through the <br />Lindey's property, removal of the southern -most access point was required regardless of what the <br />County does at this intersection. He noted this access point was too close to the intersection per <br />Ramsey County standards and also standard engineering practices. He commented to make the <br />Lindey's property whole, a second access point must be added. He indicated the new access point <br />would be provided on County Road E, which would change the truck access and parking on the <br />site. He explained the County understood what construction costs were anticipated to be for the <br />Lindey's parking lot, which led to an offer for the parking lot renovations. He reported he has <br />been with the County for the past 2'/2 years and he understood this was the second time this <br />intersection has come forward. He stated there was a need to improve this intersection. He <br />commented further on the costs for the project and noted the roundabout would cost <br />approximately $3 million of the total $4.4 million in project costs. He discussed how costs have <br />risen in the past two years for both labor and materials. He asked that the Council hold a special <br />meeting in January to address this matter if the action was to table this evening. <br />Councilmember Holden stated the information regarding Lindey's parking lot being non- <br />compliant was news to her. <br />Mr. Mazzitello explained the Lindey's entrance closest to the intersection of Snelling and County <br />Road E was non -compliant. He reported any work at this intersection would require this access <br />point to go away. <br />Councilmember Fabel commented it was his understanding property owners must have <br />reasonable access to roadways. <br />Mr. Mazzitello reported this was the case. <br />Councilmember Fabel questioned why the other existing access point to Lindey's could not be <br />expanded to become the reasonable access to the property. <br />Mr. Mazzitello stated early discussions with Lindey's described how delivery trucks move <br />through their site. It was his understanding they utilize both access points. Lindey's requested that <br />they be provided a second access point if plausible, and it was plausible, so the County pursued <br />