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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 31 <br />Councilmember Monson stated when looking through Mayor Grant's appointments she learned <br />more about the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon appointment. She explained she could support Steve <br />Scott remaining as the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon liaison. <br />Mayor Grant commented Eileen Scott was actually the Chair of the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon. <br />He requested the appointment for the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon position be changed to Eileen <br />Scott. <br />Councilmember Monson said she supported this recommendation. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Fabel moved and Councilmember Monson seconded a motion <br />to approve appointments as proposed by Councilmember Tom Fabel and to <br />approve appointing Eileen Scott to the Beyond the Yellow Ribbon. <br />Councilmember Holden asked why all the appointments were in favor of the new <br />Councilmembers. She explained she has been on the Council for many years. She inquired why <br />she was not allowed to serve as a committee liaison. She reported in the past the Mayor's <br />appointments were considered with respect and everyone was treated fairly. She questioned why <br />she was not worthy of a committee assignment, but she understood this was a done deal because <br />there were three new Councilmembers. She encouraged the new Councilmembers to consider <br />what it means to work together. <br />Councilmember Fabel encouraged Councilmember Holden to serve as the Ramsey County <br />League representative, the Karth Lake representative, Cable Commission liaison, or the Twin <br />Cities Gateway representative. <br />Mayor Grant explained he has been stripped of his mayoral privileges which meant his <br />conversations with the newly elected Councilmembers in December did not go far. He reviewed <br />the appointments he had made for the City's Commissions and Committees noting his <br />recommendations were because he believed these individuals would bring something positive to <br />the City. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated his motion was phrased as it was because he believed these people <br />were capable of carrying out the duties. <br />Councilmember Holden asked which appointments the Council was considering. <br />City Administrator Perrault explained the Council was to consider the Planning Commission, <br />PTRC, Communications Committee, Lake Johanna Fire Board, Personnel Committee and Beyond <br />the Yellow Ribbon appointments. <br />Mayor Grant reported this meant the EDC, Ramsey County League, Karth Lake, Twin Cities <br />Gateway and Cable Commission were not being considered within Councilmember Fabel's <br />motion. <br />