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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 35 <br />Councilmember Monson asked if the work session could be moved to January 18 to allow Item <br />1 OH to be discussed prior to February. <br />Mayor Grant explained staff planned to attend a meeting on Tuesday, January 17 and not on <br />January 18. He reiterated that the City Code amendment that was being considered would not go <br />into effect until January of 2024, so there was plenty of time. For this reason, he suggested the <br />Council considering this item at the first meeting in February. <br />Councilmember Fabel suggested the Council move onto Item IOH. <br />H. City Code Revision — Chapter 2, Subsections 220.01 and 220.03 <br />City Administrator Perrault stated this item was brought forward by Councilmember Fabel. <br />Councilmember Fabel explained the proposed ordinance amendment regarding appointments to <br />the City's Committees and Commissions has been drafted. Should this change go into effect it <br />would be the City Councils' responsibility to both appoint and approve Committee and <br />Commission members and their respective chairs. He reviewed the State Statutes and City Code <br />Subsections that supported his recommendation. Generally, the City will need to post this <br />amendment draft on its website at least ten days prior to final approval. Tonight's action will be to <br />move forward with the process outlined to ensure City Code was consistent with State Statute. <br />Mayor Grant asked if the bylaws state the appointments are made by Mayoral appointments that <br />are ratified by the City Council. He questioned if this procedure violated State Statute. <br />City Attorney Jamnik reported this does not violate State Statute and was within City Code. He <br />advised the State Statute does not provide for mayoral appointments, but City Code does, subject <br />to Council review was perfectly acceptable. <br />Mayor Grant questioned if the City Code that was in place today was acceptable. <br />City Attorney Jamnik stated this was the case, noting there was no conflict. <br />Mayor Grant indicated City Code could go forward as it was. However, the new City <br />Councilmembers would like to remove any reference to the Mayor. <br />Councilmember Fabel stated the reason for this action was because this Mayor has acted in such <br />a manner as to be perceived that was inconsistent with the wishes of the voters of Arden Hills. He <br />believed this Mayor was working to undo the results of the election by the appointments that were <br />being proposed to the JDA. Because of that, his hand has been forced to establish a City Code <br />which was consistent with State law. <br />Mayor Grant questioned if Councilmember Fabel believed he was hoodwinking anyone. <br />Councilmember Fabel reported he was talking about the law here. <br />