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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — JANUARY 9, 2023 37 <br />City Attorney Jamnik stated it would be appropriate to table action on this item. <br />MOTION: Mayor Grant moved and Councilmember Rousseau seconded a motion to <br />table action on the 2023 City Council Appointments for Commissions and <br />Committees and Mayor Pro-Tem. A roll call vote was taken. The motion <br />carried 3-2 (Councilmember Holden and Mayor Grant opposed). <br />11. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />None. <br />12. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Rousseau thanked the residents in attendance. She stated she hoped future <br />Council meetings would go better. <br />Councilmember Monson commented on Saturday she spent the day working with the Resilient <br />Cities and Communities Group. <br />Councilmember Holden reviewed the motions that were taken this evening, which was to <br />remove Mayor Grant's mayoral privilege, to remove Mayor Grant from the JDA, and to appoint a <br />six day Councilmember as the Mayor Pro-Tem. She reported these actions were taken by three <br />new, inexperienced Councilmembers. She discussed how the new Councilmembers have <br />impugned the reputation of the Mayor. She anticipated these actions would only continue to <br />divide the community and the City Council. She commented on how a newly elected official was <br />overheard by staff that they were planning on terminating staff members. She discussed how <br />wrongful terminations can open up the City to lawsuits and declining staff morale. She <br />encouraged the new Councilmembers to not talk about their plan in front of staff or a room full of <br />people. She stated she has already observed several violations of the open meeting law and noted <br />the newly elected Councilmembers should know better, based on all of their experience. She <br />feared how the City would be opened up to law suits if this behavior continued. She hoped the <br />City could continuing having good governance. She reported it was estimated it took newly <br />elected officials six to twelve months to gain a basic knowledge of City government. However, <br />the City was now being run by three newly elected officials with no government experience. She <br />discussed how she would like the Council to build trust by working together and sharing ideas. <br />She encouraged the new Councilmembers to do what is best for the City of Arden Hills. She <br />reiterated that the newly elected Councilmembers were not voted in by every member of the <br />community. She hoped collaboration, transparency and good government would prevail because <br />she feared how Arden Hills would move forward with such high levels of disfunction. Lastly, she <br />thanked everyone who attended the meeting tonight. <br />Mayor Grant thanked all of the residents who attended the meeting. He reported he represented <br />all members of the community. He discussed how the previous Council worked together to <br />accomplish many things. He hoped that this Council would be able to get to the same place. He <br />explained he was very saddened by the leadership being shown by the Council. He indicated he <br />would continue to work for all residents of Arden Hills. He encouraged residents to contact him <br />with their comments or concerns. <br />