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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — FFBRUARY 21, 2023 12 <br />Councilmember Fabel said we know we need a parking lot for the park, he thought we should <br />pay for half with the church and get it done. <br />Councilmember Holden was surprised the church wanted a loan from the City because she felt <br />they were amply funded. <br />Mayor Grant agreed that for the money the City is spending we should own part of the parking <br />lot. <br />City Administrator Perrault asked for clarification on what the Council would like staff to <br />present to the church. <br />Councilmember Monson thought it would be interesting to get a tax value of the part of the lot <br />the City would like to own. <br />Further discussion ensued regarding the interest rate of the loan. <br />Staff was directed to renegotiate with the Gathering Place. <br />L. JDA Chair Interview and Selection Process <br />City Administrator Perrault noted that applications close on February 24. <br />Mayor Grant said the last process involved the Council interviewing the applicants, he proposed <br />they do it again. <br />After further discussion it was decided to schedule the interviews prior to the March 13 regular <br />meeting, or to have a special meeting immediately after the interviews to approve the candidate. <br />Staff would coordinate the interviews with the candidates and Council. <br />M. Future Council Meeting Processes <br />City Administrator Perrault stated this item was brought forth by a Councilmember to discuss <br />the time of future work sessions and the process for agenda setting. <br />Councilmember Fabel felt the Mayor had failed to do what he said he would do, which was put <br />an item on the agenda if a councilmember requested it. He felt any one of them should be able to <br />bring anything forward to the agenda if they wanted to and there should be a process. At the last <br />meeting two items were removed from the agenda because they hadn't been given advance notice <br />of what those items were. He'd also like to have work sessions start at 4:00 to get everyone home <br />earlier at night, save the City money being spent on food, and they could be done at 7:00 p.m. <br />Mayor Grant noted that he always asks if anyone has corrections or additions to the agenda, at <br />which point anyone could request an addition. He asks to have items funneled through him so he <br />can coordinate items with the City Administrator. The only time he won't ask for corrections or <br />additions is if it is a special meeting because by statute you can't change those agendas. <br />Councilmember Monson was fine with the 4:00 pm start. She did feel it was odd to funnel <br />agenda items through another councilmember. She thought adding an agenda item last minute <br />