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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION — FEBRUARY 21, 2023 13 <br />poses challenges in case the public wanted to hear something on the topic but it wasn't on the <br />agenda, and can also leave the other councilmembers without information for preparation. She <br />felt best practice was to have the agenda set along with the pertinent information included prior to <br />the meeting. <br />Mayor Grant said it is very common for other cities' mayors to work with their city <br />administrators to set agendas. <br />Councilmember Holden said she has never known a mayor to not put something on the agenda <br />that was requested. She's not able to attend a work session at 4:00, and felt it wouldn't be <br />convenient for the public to attend. <br />Mayor Grant said it's not impossible for him to be at a 4:00 meeting, but he'd prefer not. <br />Councilmember Monson was fine with leaving the meeting at 5:00. She felt the roundabout <br />item that Councilmember Holden put on the last regular agenda would have been more <br />appropriate to have on a work session agenda. <br />Councilmember Holden said she felt it was appropriate on the regular agenda. She wanted to <br />bring her knowledge forward and share, but it was clear that it wasn't welcome, so she pulled it <br />from this agenda. She felt she was being rational by putting it on the agenda but wasn't allowed a <br />chance to speak to it. <br />Mayor Grant said it would appear work session meetings would remain at 5:00. <br />Council directed not to change the meeting time and leave the agenda process as is. <br />N. Council Tracker <br />Not discussed. <br />4. COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Rousseau said she hopes to talk about the agenda for the council retreat at the <br />next meeting. <br />Councilmember Holden noted that it was hard to hear at the end of the last meeting due to paper <br />being crinkled. <br />Councilmember Fabel apologized, he wasn't aware he was making so much noise with his <br />papers. <br />City Administrator Perrault stated for voting starting at the next regular meeting he will start <br />with a random person and then rotate down the dais; the first person to vote will be random each <br />meeting. <br />Mayor Grant thanked Councilmember Rousseau for running the last council meeting. <br />