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APPROVAL OF AGENDACONSENT CALENDARThose items listed under the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion under a Consent Calendar format. There will be no separate discussion of these items, unless a Councilmember so requests, in which event, the item will be removed from the general order of business and considered separately in its normal sequence on the agenda.Motion To Approve Appointment Of Senior Communications CoordinatorDave Perrault, City AdministratorMEMO.PDFMotion To Approve Appointment Of Twin Cities Gateway LiaisonDave Perrault, City AdministratorMEMO.PDF <br />PULLED CONSENT ITEMS <br />Those items that are pulled from the Consent Calendar will be removed from the <br />general order of business and considered separately in its normal sequence on the <br />agenda. <br />COUNCIL/STAFF COMMENTS <br />ADJOURN <br />Mayor:David GrantCouncilmembers:Brenda HoldenEmily RousseauTena MonsonTom Fabel Special City Council AgendaMarch 20, 2023 6:00 p.m. City Hall Address:1245 W Highway 96Arden Hills MN 55112Phone:651 -792 -7800Website:www.cityofardenhills.orgCity VisionArden Hills is a strong community that values its unique environmental setting, strong residential neighborhoods, vital business community, well -maintained infrastructure, fiscal soundness, and our long -standing tradition as a desirable City in which to live, work, and play.This meeting can be accessed remotely by joining via Zoom meeting will be streamed live on local Cable Channel 16 and available for playback on our website.CALL TO ORDER1.2.2.A.Documents:2.B.Documents: <br />3. <br />4.