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Lake Johanna Boulevard <br />Trail Design Study <br />Preliminary Design Development Report 10 September 27, 2022 <br />Figure 7: Looking east from Siems Court towards Old Snelling Avenue <br /> <br />Private Property Impacts <br />Adjacent residential properties abut the roadway along the majority of the corridor and include varying setbacks <br />from the edge of the pavement. Private homes and garages are located closer to the east side of the roadway right <br />of way between Sandeen Road and Stowe Avenue than the west side. Driveways are typically wider on the east <br />than west as well in this area. Between Tony Schmidt Regional Park and Siems Court several private homes and <br />garages are located as close as ten feet from the right of way along the south side of the roadway. <br />The existing right of way widths are anticipated to accommodate the spatial needs for traffic and the trail without <br />acquisition of additional right of way. However, proximity of private homes and garages and driveway parking are <br />much closer and constrained along the east and south sides of the corridor as noted above and should be <br />considered with selection of the trail location. Private landscaping improvements within the existing right of way, <br />including landscaping, mailboxes, fences and walls will need to be evaluated for potential relocation as a part of <br />detailed design. Preliminary review of the corridor does not indicate significant relocation needs for private <br />elements. <br />Storm Drainage Infrastructure <br />Existing storm drainage infrastructure includes a non-standard collection of ditches, culverts catch basins and <br />piping constructed at different times and varying effectiveness in managing storm runoff. Existing stormwater <br />runoff generated in the corridor is generally not treated or filtered prior to discharging or flowing to Lake Johanna <br />or other natural receiving wetland areas. The project should consider the following improvements related to <br />improving stormwater quality prior to discharging to natural water bodies: <br />• Explore and identify locations to intercept runoff and filter or infiltrate prior to entering Lake Johanna and <br />the wetland complex within Tony Schmidt Regional Park. <br />• Consider stormwater basin design as visual amenities for trail users. <br />• Consider meandering of trail alignment to promote space for water quality infrastructure.